Gaas Garacad Speech - Interesting

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He did some good things and I like how first got his own 'clan' to lead the way in his infrastructure 'vision' of Puntland because that was the main thing he has focused on. In Puntland if you can't convince your own family to do something, nobody listens to you ma garatay. We don't get 'fooled' by HG like other somalis do as we see how much they hate each other inside themselves and we can see why because they want inay been isugu aqriyane mana iska ibin karane marka we tell them f*ck off somali khayr uma soo wadide, tolkaga ayaaba ku arki karine kkkkk. So we assess all their 'faces' in the civil war and make a pattern to prove our point. 1st IRIR and Isaaq weji siyasad. 2. Dahir aways and wadaad, weji islam. 3. Walalaha galgaduud weji shabellaha lagu degayo iyo jubba. 4. USC iyo Hawiyenimo weji hamar lagu degayo. 5. Shabab, weji yaysan dawlad'a dhalan harantasi iyo suuqasi noo xiran yaanu reer kale nooga soo galin ha noqoto soweto....Langaab habar gedir you only fool low iq people in mogadishu


Back to Gaas, run ahanti he did some good things and his infrastructure vision has been slow runti and 5 years is a long time and you would expect more. The next president should follow his example, horta reerkina ka soo qaada visiokagi haday 'dhab tahay' because when gaas said puntland ha isku tashato, wuxu ka soo iibiyay reerkisa mudug oo bilaabay wadaagsin, markas ayay puntland ku dayatay. Marka hadu ninka soo socodo osman mahmoud yahay, war qardho ka soo iibi visionkaga, yaysan noqon another 5 years of waste of time. Reer puntland indhahooda ayaa marqaati uu ah kow, we need to see proof of your clan supporting you first and if we don't we will dismiss you as a waste of timer.

I suggest the next president please open an independent and strong institution oo reer puntland dhan iyo madaxdooda iyo wanaagooda iyo mashrucyadooda iyo visionkooda halkasi la wada geliyo si aysan isku tirtirin mar walbo markay madax cusub timado. We need shared policies oo si socodo madax kasto timado oo aanan siyasad ahayn. Dalkan joggi whole of govt policy, ma aha wax hisbi uu gaar ah, wa wax qarankooda lagu heeshiyay inu yahay lama tabtan ah oo la si wado sida funding of schools, hospitals, roads, water, welfare, electricity, retc


Puntland meeshay dhibaatada ugu wayn haysato waa arimaha dibada iyo arimaha gudaha somaliyeed oo dawlad federal mar walbo ku joggo 'waqtiga ka dhumi' gobollada si banadir loo soo wada cooyo wayna si wadan qorshashasi hooseed siiba arimaha caafimadka oo aad loogu wada tago hada, berina schoolyada, kadib shaqoyinka, nacas looma sheegayo halkay sheekadani ku dhamanayso. Centralism iyo mamulada la wada naco oo hamar xabsi loo ahaado.

Arimaha federalka waxaa puntland uu roon inaysan ka qayb galin arimahasi oo calamka uu sheegta inaysan joggin puntland iyo somalia weli meel siman oo loo wada hadli karo baahiyo labadeena noo dhaxayo, ninkani hamar joggo baahidisa waa amni iyo inu dhulkisa ka taliyo, adiguna dhulkaga si fican ayaa ka talisa oo ku wareegta, marka isma fahmaysane in xirirka laga jaro oo la yirahdo anagu nama qusayo hamar illa aad soo gaadhtan heerka aanu jogno oo loo wada hadli karo markas something macqul ah ayaa soo bixi karo ileen isku baahi baanu nahay oo waxaa imanayso tanasul iyo dulqad lakin hada taas ma imanayso ileen baahidi ayaa kala duwan labada umadeed marka labada madax fekerkooda ayaa kala duwanana doonto iyo khilaafku badanaya. Kurdistan is beautiful example of autonomy and letting bagdad and the rest of nation fix itself, while it remained separate yet was FEDERALIST and waiting for the others to lift up their standards and game.

We can remain federalist but we are federalist on certain conditions that have to be met, they must reach the level puntland has reached till then they can focus on their local issue and only represent mogadishu iyo agaagarkeedu kadib 10 sano later ayaanu hadli karnaye anaga ha noo daayan arimaheeni si dadkeenu baahidooda uu daboolno.

You need to convince the embassies in nairobi with logical reasoning and proofs, they don't listen to iyagu cadifad iyo no evidences. We need to completely detach from mogadishu illa ay gurigooda uu eekato mid wax looga hadli karo. Farole dual track policy on development is a good policy.
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