I hate that any form self critique on one's people, pointing out flaws in one's self or being just even poke fun on said flaws is look at as self hatred or racist. Look, the main complaint from whites about Somalis is that 1. The one's that commit crimes get away with it. 2. Have no fear of police. 3. Are very hard to placate to. 4. Trump probably doesn't know much about the people or culture, so there's a fear of the unknown. 5. We come off as standoffish and kinda evil. Westerns tend to see the blunt way we speak, our humor comes off too dark, especially for the libreals scares people. 6. 99.9 percent of westerns believe Somalis to be religious extremists. Somali culture is pretty alien to most Americans. Also, people have told me that the reason why Somalis are scary is they way that we treat tragedies. It's like Somalis will mourn for a while and just move on. But I think most Americans are too sensitive. People need to learn how to take criticism . Sorry if I'm being insensitive.My Americans friends say I can say things in a way that rubs people the wrong way