If he's after risky shares with a lot of potential then the stock market isn't the place for him.
It will take him 2 years if he's lucky to turn 6k to 10k.
He should look into Angellist and co-invest in startups with a hundred other dreamers.
Less than 2% of startups get past series A but if he does get in on one then he'd have a much better chance of getting a 10x return than the stock market.
Plenty of options to sell private stock in secondary markets.
Minimum timeline is still 6 months though.
50-100k is the ideal amount of money to enter the market with.
No penny stocks
No Binary bullshit
No forex schemes
No futures
Just good ole companies with great names and new ipos with sound strategies and market positions.
People make trading complicated and it's the reason so many are too scared to join the market.