forming a relationship with money

money is a living thing and it has a personality. thats the first thing you need to know. second like
everything that has a personality it has characteristics, and money"s characteristics or personality
closely resembles a woman. it has great self value and really likes to play hard to get, so when
approaching do it as you would a proud beautiful play hard to get lady. and how do you do that
first and foremost feign disinterest, i should caution not unacknowledgement and disrespect.
do not and i repeat do not engage immediately. money knows its high value and so its sense of self awareness
is incredible it notices and its in constant appraisal of its surroundings at all times so any move or lack of on yourside
is immediately registered, and like any woman used to attention any contrary action spikes their interest and that can
be an opening for any laid back player. i could go on but lesson shall continue later

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
because if it was so easy to be rich than everyone wouldn't be broke.
Haha ha you're so gross it's ew that it is not even funny. Fine, find out why!
money is a living thing and it has a personality. thats the first thing you need to know. second like
everything that has a personality it has characteristics, and money"s characteristics or personality
closely resembles a woman. it has great self value and really likes to play hard to get, so when
approaching do it as you would a proud beautiful play hard to get lady. and how do you do that
first and foremost feign disinterest, i should caution not unacknowledgement and disrespect.
do not and i repeat do not engage immediately. money knows its high value and so its sense of self awareness
is incredible it notices and its in constant appraisal of its surroundings at all times so any move or lack of on yourside
is immediately registered, and like any woman used to attention any contrary action spikes their interest and that can
be an opening for any laid back player. i could go on but lesson shall continue later
wise one, teach me more about money, i like money.
money is a living thing and it has a personality. thats the first thing you need to know. second like
everything that has a personality it has characteristics, and money"s characteristics or personality
closely resembles a woman. it has great self value and really likes to play hard to get, so when
approaching do it as you would a proud beautiful play hard to get lady. and how do you do that
first and foremost feign disinterest, i should caution not unacknowledgement and disrespect.
do not and i repeat do not engage immediately. money knows its high value and so its sense of self awareness
is incredible it notices and its in constant appraisal of its surroundings at all times so any move or lack of on yourside
is immediately registered, and like any woman used to attention any contrary action spikes their interest and that can
be an opening for any laid back player. i could go on but lesson shall continue later
As I say money talk it need it wants
wise one, teach me more about money, i like money.
thanks i enjoy praise, let me continue with the lesson. money loves
an equal relationship or a bit more dominant partner it really looks
down upon what it perceives to be inferior and can be quite y when dealing with an inferior, its used to people throwing themselves at her feet and has no hesitation in using and discarding the like. and so like a woman faced with an untameable man it is
thrown off track and starts to become vulnerable and starts to get wet in different variations and slowly starts to pursue this man. next
lesson how to become that individual who can start playing money and extract the most out of it.
@Hared I have some questions saxib if you don’t mind answering:pachah1:
1. We’re you born into wealth?
2. What diaspora are you from?
3. If you were not born into wealth and gained it suddenly what did your family and friends think?
4.Did you have an education or job previous to your gained wealth.
gladly kobe
1. no but neither poverty relative stability
2. born in nairobi, lived in canada, britain and somaliland
3. i had already inculcated an aura of superiority and success
about myself as if it was just a matter of when but not if i was going to acquire it and so it wasnt much of a surprise, thats why i emphasis
that its all about attitude and self portrayal.
4. i will be truthful here i hardly have worked in my life and my
education was basic am largely self taught but before i did acquire
a title later in life.
gladly kobe
1. no but neither poverty relative stability
2. born in nairobi, lived in canada, britain and somaliland
3. i had already inculcated an aura of superiority and success
about myself as if it was just a matter of when but not if i was going to acquire it and so it wasnt much of a surprise, thats why i emphasis
that its all about attitude and self portrayal.
4. i will be truthful here i hardly have worked in my life and my
education was basic am largely self taught but before i did acquire
a title later in life.
Mashallah Somalilander excellence
lesson continues. now you know women( substitute here for money )
are quite a jealous bunch and nothing weakens them as when they see your popularity with other women so your next step is to seem as if you have no shortage of them, now how does this apply with
money. money like us as i said has a personality but its not an individual its spread out like other species so it has no definite
knowledge of other monies but only of itself but it speaks the same
language and so it can communicate with other monies and in
normal circumstances they are quite a tight bunch and have strong
influence over each other so they tend to side against you if one
disdains you, but like women you can play into their jealousies and
manipulate them to your advantage. lesson continues

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
Money is a paper. Make paper.
Selfish self centered nonsense!

I can't cosign any of this as this all just no good playboy gamerboy nonsense.