Former opposition member MP Daleeys swings back the opposition MPs turned borderline criminal



Waxaan maalmahaan si isdaba joog ah baraha bulshada ugu arkayay xildhibaanno aan aragti ahaan ka mideeysannahay oo si kulul uga hadlayo xukunka madaxweyanaha waqtigiisu dhamaaday iyo ku darsashada sharciga baalmarsan oo uu golaha sharci dejinta Sameeyay.
Waxay sidoo kale xildhibaannadaasi si adag u garab istaageen General Saadiq Joon oo isna ka horyimid mudda kordhintaas.
Intaasi waxaa dheeraad ku ahaa oo ay kooxdaasi xildhibaannada ah ku xadgudbeen shaqsiyadda Wasiir C/rashiid Xasan Cabdinuur oo ah qof aysan ogaal durugsan u lahayn.
Raggaasi waxaan leeyahay dalku waa deegaanno Cid walibana deegaankeed sida ey ka yeelanayiso waa wax iyaga quseeyo oo u gaar ah Wasiirkuna wax danbi ah oo uu galay ma jirto ee sida Saadiq looga xadgudbay unbaa Wasiir Cabdirashiid isaguna loogu xadgudbay.
Waxaan xildhibaannadaasi ku baraarujinayaa in ay ka dhawrsadaan weeraha garaafeynta shaqsiga ah.

We always hear N&N will split into clans, but its actually the opposition splitting into clans and subclans, the latest Madasha Musharaxinta meeting was fail and they are starting totally disintegrate, as usual the losers are one group I won't mention here who have been repeatedly warned. You will see some of the opposition try to clean up their image by distancing themselves from others going forward as they prepare for 1m1v, while others will be even more deeply entrenched on their anti-government stance.
Madasha is now 2 camps North and South, HG which is South are becoming more United as even Murursade (Jacfar Dayniile joined HG) have joined.

In Politics nothing is guaranteed except interests.

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Madasha is now 2 camps North and South, HG which is South are becoming more United as even Murursade (Jacfar Dayniile joined HG) have joined.

In Politics nothing is guaranteed except interests.

Hg are literally in 1 xaafad in hodan. When they block off the rest of their so called strongholds we'll see i.e. xamarweyne or even taleex in hodan. Where as abgaal have locked off several degmos (north mogadishu) regardless everyone is on the same page and there will be a shir today. Trying to cause division as usual sheegatoyahay
Ya allah why did you make this person my mp:jcoleno:. I dont think she flipped, look at what she wrote. She supports mahad salad in everything except him talking about janan. Kulaha we share the same view. So basically she is just here to defend janan. She is in madoobe's pockets. She wont change her stance unless she gets paid. i hope no one pays her because she isnt worth it.
Hg are literally in 1 xaafad in hodan. Where as abgaal have locked off several degmos (north mogadishu) regardless everyone is on the same page and there will be a shir today. Trying to cause division as usual sheegatoyahay

Kulaha HG are in 1 Degmo, nacaskaan dameerka still shows his cuqdad for HG even in Ramadan kkkk.

Naaya orod sawmkaaga ilaasho!


Kulaha HG are in 1 Degmo, nacaskaan dameerka still shows his cuqdad for HG even in Ramadan kkkk.

Naaya orod sawmkaaga ilaasho!
facts are facts warya :heh: your the one saying people have split trying to make it out to be hg, mursade v abgaal. 2 camps kulaha sheegato waaxid :pachah1:
We it
facts are facts warya :heh: your the one saying people have split trying to make it out to be hg, mursade v abgaal. 2 camps kulaha sheegato waaxid :pachah1:

Kulaha facts :chrisfreshhah:

Haye sxb continue your delusional empty talks, we all know the reality on the grounds.


Ya allah why did you make this person my mp:jcoleno:. I dont think she flipped, look at what she wrote. She supports mahad salad in everything except him talking about janan. Kulaha we share the same view. So basically she is just here to defend janan. She is in madoobe's pockets. She wont change her stance unless she gets paid. i hope no one pays her because she isnt worth it.
Why is she so loyal to Janan, not that it matters now, but are the rumors true ?
Why is she so loyal to Janan, not that it matters now, but are the rumors true ?

Kkk the rumors are an open secret these days. At least thats what everyone thinks, i cant say for sure but chances are that 99% there is something going on there. It's good you know about this though. I didnt want to explicitly mention it.
Kkk the rumors are an open secret these days. At least thats what everyone thinks, i cant say for sure but chances are that 99% there is something going on there. It's good you know about this though. I didnt want to explicitly mention it.
Message me what it is brother


Kkk the rumors are an open secret these days. At least thats what everyone thinks, i cant say for sure but chances are that 99% there is something going on there. It's good you know about this though. I didnt want to explicitly mention it.
Who is likely to replace her ? Her seat is one of the most important seat for tolka Luuq and the people she represented in this shambolic way are one of the most toljecel people. Her career is over bro don't worry.
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