Former Hirshabelle President Warre says only support clans who want to be helped,



Waa talo wanaagsan. I support pausing these Shabaab operations because the clans HSM wants to liberate are pro-Shabaab. Just liberate areas like Bacadweyne who are anti-Shabaab or Jowle but lack help with SNA.
Waare said Hawiye ma rabaan inay A Shabaab iska xoreeyaan laakin waa ku qalanyahay inuu wasiirka difaaca korka ka saaro fashalka Abgaal iyo Murusade HG iyo Xawaadlana dad saas ah ma xoreyn karaan yuusan ku xagxagan 🤣🤣


Waare said Hawiye ma rabaan inay A Shabaab iska xoreeyaan laakin waa ku qalanyahay inuu wasiirka difaaca korka ka saaro fashalka Abgaal iyo Murusade HG iyo Xawaadlana dad saas ah ma xoreyn karaan yuusan ku xagxagan 🤣🤣
That I disagreed with, it’s like he was giving talking points from the same ppl who want to blame their mess up on Wasiirka.

NISA is investigating SNA saraakiil tho so Elayga is safe for now :manny:


Also yes hawiye in la dhul saaro ‘Shabaab ma rabaan in ay iska xoreyaan’ waa khalad. You have to touch where the source of the problem is otherwise you never solve it. Waare needs to stop being politically correct

Hawiye is too broad, I mean just this past month the president fled to Dhusamareb and stayed there without AMISOM. He could do all that in hawiye land between Galkayo to xarardheere to Dhusamareb