Former Chief of Staff Hussein Sheikh Mohamud gives BBC interview over SWS elections



• Opposition won’t accept Shabaab ops at the last minute when Laftagareen refused them in the past.

• Says there’ll hold elections in other parts of SWS. Likely Barawe imo which is not under LG’s control. Also likely LG loses control over other degmos where the united opposition is from. Leaving him in Baydhabo if he bans flights and election there

• Calls on the FGS and Minister of Interior who’s in charge of elections as agreed in February 2023 to join them in fulfilling the election agreement.

• Says if LG tries to stay past December 2023 in Baydhabo similar will happen as did Farmaajo with Badbaado Qaran and he’s confident the citizens will defeat him


@mohamedismail hayey the opposition are ready for war and the breakup of SWS if that’s what it takes.

They’ll be welcomed by HG to build a new administration in Shabellaha Hoose and I’m sure Hadame can take control of Bakool


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
@mohamedismail hayey the opposition are ready for war and the breakup of SWS if that’s what it takes.

They’ll be welcomed by HG to build a new administration in Shabellaha Hoose and I’m sure Hadame can take control of Bakool
They are wrong for this. Ahmed Madoobe has been president for the past 15 years. What makes LG different.

Also the bulk of Hadame are allied with LG. Gaaljeyl which are currently the gudoomiye of Bakool are very allied with LG so that wont work.

The only way things will work is if there is a agreed election by lg and mucaarad. Holding Elections in Baraawe will cause ultimate chaos in the state.


They are wrong for this. Ahmed Madoobe has been president for the past 15 years. What makes LG different.

Also the bulk of Hadame are allied with LG. Gaaljeyl which are currently the gudoomiye of Bakool are very allied with LG so that wont work.

The only way things will work is if there is a agreed election by lg and mucaarad. Holding Elections in Baraawe will cause ultimate chaos in the state.
That man has no power. Also Hadame heavyweights are not allied with LG, Madoobe and Hussein Sheikh Mohamud will have way more clout. LG’s gov will fall apart quickly with the loss of Bakool and Shabellaha Hoose if they go through with this



'Cabdicasiis Laftagareen ma rabno inuu na dhagaysto...dawladda ayaan rabnaa inay na dhagaysato'

Agaasimihii hore ee madaxtooyada Soomaaliya oo kamid ah siyaasiyiin u sharraxan madaxweynenimada KGS ayaa u warrmaya Muhyadin Roble.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
@bidenkulaha We will have to see who will come out on top. Time will tell.

I'm putting my money on Laftagareen though. Reason being he seems to have dominated all the mucaarad، they can't even come to Baydhabo. We will see what the fgs does since mucaarad are relying on them.


D&M? You mean a few Dhabodhilifs who don't have D&M interests and only looking out for their pockets.
They are 90% of your politicians and represent 90% of D&M.

LG is alone and has very little support from D&M elders hence why he’s trying to create his own elders. This is futile as they recognised elders are under the Minister of Interior


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
They are 90% of your politicians and represent 90% of D&M.

LG is alone and has very little support from D&M elders
They may be more in number but they haven't had the same saameyn on D&M like Laftagareen. What have they done for their people. Nothing.

Laftagareen is on the ground in KGS while these guys are having shirs outside of Somalia and Xamar. They can't even go to a kgs city like Baraawe and Xuddur and hold a Shir there.

Majority of KGS elders have sided with Laftagareen. During Farmaajos presidency most of the elders were against laftagareen. But since Farmaajo left and we have seen the true colours of mucaaradka support has only grown for laftagareen.

Especially with the situation in Baraawe. Where were these so called "D&M heavyweights" why didn't they speak out and have the same energy. These guys only have energy for their own clans men while they are Dhabodhilifs for Hiraab.




Hayey today Dhusamareb. Do you think this is just federal business lol or plans in KG 😂

