Foreign fighters and locals affiliated with ISIL hold trainings in Bari, Puntland region


Kooxda Daacish ee faraca Soomaaliya ayaa dagaalyahanno cusub ku soo bandhigtay dhulka buuraleyda ee gobolka Bari.

Dagaalyahannadaan oo aad u hubeysan ayey kooxdu ku soo bandhigtay xero ku taalla halkaasi, taas oo loogu magac daray hoggaamiyihii la dilay ee Abuubakar Al-Baqdaadi.

Sawirro laga soo qaaday dagaalyahannadaasi ayaa muujinaya, iyaga oo tababar ku qaadanaya gudaha xeradaasi.

Sidoo kale dagaalayahannada ayaa sameynayey dhoolatus xoogan, iyaga oo xiran dhar tuuta ah, sidoo kalena uu u duubnaa wejiga.

Kooxda Daacish oo si aad ah ugu xoogan Puntland ayaa muddooyinkii dambe is ballaarineysay, waxaana ay dhaq dhaqaaq ka waday buuraleyda gobolka Bari.

Bishii September ee sanadkii hore ayey sidoo kale aheyd markii ay soo bandhigtay dagaalyahanno badan oo dhoolatus ciidan ka sameynayey halkaasi.

Daacish oo qatar ku ah amniga guud ahaan Puntland ayaa inta badan weeraro culus iyo dilal qorsheysan ka fulisa deegaanada mamaulkaasi.



Kooxda Daacish ee faraca Soomaaliya ayaa dagaalyahanno cusub ku soo bandhigtay dhulka buuraleyda ee gobolka Bari.

Dagaalyahannadaan oo aad u hubeysan ayey kooxdu ku soo bandhigtay xero ku taalla halkaasi, taas oo loogu magac daray hoggaamiyihii la dilay ee Abuubakar Al-Baqdaadi.

Sawirro laga soo qaaday dagaalyahannadaasi ayaa muujinaya, iyaga oo tababar ku qaadanaya gudaha xeradaasi.

Sidoo kale dagaalayahannada ayaa sameynayey dhoolatus xoogan, iyaga oo xiran dhar tuuta ah, sidoo kalena uu u duubnaa wejiga.

Kooxda Daacish oo si aad ah ugu xoogan Puntland ayaa muddooyinkii dambe is ballaarineysay, waxaana ay dhaq dhaqaaq ka waday buuraleyda gobolka Bari.

Bishii September ee sanadkii hore ayey sidoo kale aheyd markii ay soo bandhigtay dagaalyahanno badan oo dhoolatus ciidan ka sameynayey halkaasi.

Daacish oo qatar ku ah amniga guud ahaan Puntland ayaa inta badan weeraro culus iyo dilal qorsheysan ka fulisa deegaanada mamaulkaasi.





@Dues Ex Machete you been warned to stop posting nonsense. If 20 boys go around walking with an AK 47 dressing like ninjas in the mountains of Puntland and call themselves 'Somali Nazis' and loyal to 'nazi idealogy'. Do you consider news-worthy?

Just in my immediate family we have like 10 different style weapons niyahow. Grow up and this sort of news is unacceptable. Wallahi there is no tecknikos, bm21, tanks, armed helicopters, armed ships. This is like ciyaal xafad shit who went out to do 'militia' photos. Even America has militias.

Its unfortunate that ISIL has been welcomed into this region and made it their stronghold, I remember recently there was a battle between ISIL and the other extremist group in this same area. This news was spread on many notable agencies and is something that our international partners in Halane are fully aware of.


Its unfortunate that ISIL has been welcomed into this region and made it their stronghold, I remember recently there was a battle between ISIL and the other extremist group in this same area. This news was spread on many notable agencies and is something that our international partners in Halane are fully aware of. Don't worry ditoore we are formulating plans to get rid of these insurgents all across the nation.

20 boys strong-hold? you look stupid. My own family has more arms then these boys and we could defeat them 'Dr Osman family vs ISIL' kulaha ceebtisa how you lower the groups significance who attempting to pose as a state actor when it can barely handle DR osman family of 20 cousins and yes I got 20 cousins in PL with a variety of weapons civilian grade of course.

Are you going to say ISIL is in PL now, if I take my 20 cousins to the mountains with ak.47, look at their weapons waryaa, nothing is military grade, it's shacab grade? this is what civilians have in PL.

I urge the admin to deal with @Dues Ex Machete who's love of PL destruction has gone to the point of reporting on 20 of DR osman ilmo adeero who pose for photos in the mountain pledging allegiance to ISIS. They want money from ISIS so they can buy homes waryaa
They are a national security threat just like any other insurgent group and will be dealt with, you will not be able to brush their existence under the carpet as if it's not well known by everyone. At this moment many of our boys are being trained with Danab which is Commandos training provided by the United States Military as well as the Turkey military. This cooperation is not only within the special forces but we also have contracts to train many of our people in the ways of intelligence gathering and espionage. We have close contacts with them and have fully informed them that these groups in the Bari region have the potential to expand if not watched closely.


@Dues Ex Machete stop being an idiot. Suuj/Garmaal/Garacad, 1000 of them docked down with similar weapons(ak.47, rpgs, etc) they had no military grade weaponry. PL forces just 'arrested' them waryaa, there was no war here to be seen here it was totally unbalanced for a war sxb it was a totally miscalculated move by Shabab who expended 1000 boys into an unwinnable war. Most were kids also. Wallahi PL laid down it's weapons and called the 'police' to begin arresting them, we didn't even fight these niggas.

Now your reporting 20 Dr Osman cousins playing 'dress up' and then going back into PL military where all the military hardware is kept? In PL civilians only have light weaponry, you can tell when something is 'clan based' the weapons are larger and when it's civilians. These insurgents(I call them diliquents) need policing not military response.

They fall under policing matters for criminals. Now grow up and respect PL the creator of the government you lead today for 4 years, remember it's 4 years only before Farmajo is never seen again but PL stands here defiant, firm, and strong.
They are a national security threat just like any other insurgent group and will be dealt with, you will not be able to brush their existence under the carpet as if it's not well known by everyone. At this moment many of our boys are being trained with Danab which is Commandos training provided by the United States Military as well as the Turkey military. This cooperation is not only within the special forces but we also have contracts to train many of our people in the ways of intelligence gathering and espionage. We have close contacts with them and have fully informed them that these groups in the Bari region have the potential to expand if not watched closely.
Alshaabab at it's might couldn't do jack shit to puntland and you telling us a dozen of boys hiding in the mountains killing each other over rain water will do anything:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:


Alshaabab at it's might couldn't do jack shit to puntland and you telling us a dozen of boys hiding in the mountains killing each other over rain water will do anything:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa:

They released 10-20% of their 'armed' forces reserve to dock down into garacad-suuj-garmaal, armed with ak.47 and RPG. Wallahi sxb 60% were under 15 sxb shooting un-trained and in the air. It was a sad display of 'muscle' and something @Dues Ex Machete feels to ashamed and humbled not to talk about.

What was ironic and more embarassing PL immediately arrived hearing reports from locals of an 'invasion' from the sea by Shabab. What they saw when they arrived is this duli.


PL forces didn't even 'fight' them properly like an army. They reported the shit to the cops and said 'waxani waa wax la soo qalday' it's policing matter and arrest and send their ass to prison. They are not an 'army'. I repeat this isn't an 'army' matter cause it's embarassing to call that an army.

Shabab image died that day they have an armed force

@AarHawd_7 actually bought into it lol cuz he was sick of being man-handled by the DR. Yes sxb that is not a 'fight'. That's called 'man handling' someone with a knock out, the nigga was hearing songs from 'aden and stars' after me and AarHawd measured up.



@Dues Ex Machete everyone knows you can't use these kids or minorities in camp as a conventional army. Shabab learned the hard way in Suuj-Garmaal-Garacad. A clear tactical error against the Superior Puntland armed forces.


At least play your cards properly and use them for hit n runs, their more effective but it's still policing issue since their is no military activity beyond the Puntland Armed Forces @AarHawd_7 confuses criminal matters for military matters. There is no other military in Puntland but Puntland armed forces waryaa. No-one can operate outside of it and do clan militias, shabab, etc. The only option open is for you to be criminal in Puntland your not a military niyahow, warka faham iyo 'tabar daradada'


North-West, London
@DR OSMAN you have to face the reality the laangaabs got tired of you guys marginalizing them and took up arms. You can’t deny this, how many officials have been assassinated across Puntland the past couple of years. Go ahead and act like there’s nothing going on.

You remind me of Baghdad Bob now.


@DR OSMAN you have to face the reality the laangaabs got tired of you guys marginalizing them and took up arms. You can’t deny this, how many officials have been assassinated across Puntland the past couple of years. Go ahead and act like there’s nothing going on.

You remind me of Baghdad Bob now.
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Puntland has criminals, it doesn't have multiple armies. Warka faham. Your thug sxb that's all you can be in PL. The army is set up on region-districts-tuulos who all report to a 'Puntland assigned commander' the second he steps out of that 'space', All puntland forces encircle him like 'cade muse' tried. There is simply no other military in PL. Assasination is criminal, all Puntites have 'civilian grade' arms not 'military grade' which must come under Puntland armed forces.

The armed forces are there to 'defend' the people from 'external' armed actors in the south and north, they are not there to 'terrorize' them. Army play with Armies. Armies don't play with their citizenry who have second amendment rights the right to bear arms.

As for criminal issues and assasinations, hit and runs, those are lessened by the year as 'galgala' HJ/HY are attempting to 'stir-up' clan tensions but simply don't understand the region they are operating, their lack of knowledge of the regional dynamics has reduced them to run into SL and operate from there. But all you can do is 'criminal' matters admit that and never forget it, the state is to 'strong' sxb for you, admit it.

I can do criminal acts too with my family weapons in the city but that's all my 'strength' is, at least I can admit it, why can't you waryaa? PL is 15 times the size of Isaaq armed forces, I counted your bases, approximate capacity size, and budget funds allocated. Nigga it's 2k armed forces is all you have. PL is 10-15k armed forces that is 'active' meaning their 'patrolling' as we speak for 'external HJ/HY' elements as their 'foreign element'.

All the houses you live, your phone numbers and communication, golis is visited by PSF to release specified HY/HJ records so we find your ring network in PL, who u talk too and work with, nigga your surrounded by INTELLIGENCE agency since your 'individual matter' not an 'army' you don't have an army, your FUCKIN AFRICAN AMERICAN THUG GANGSTER IN GHETTO CAUSING CIVILIAN TERROR, YOU WILL BE DEALT WITH AD22N. We know your 'tabar' and where to 'destroy' you waryaa. We know intelligence gathering tactics and how to find out your internal/external/logistic suppliers in yemen. We 'trace' you all in Burco-Erigavo each 'cell' and 'house'. Wallahi this shit is on UN records with SL implicated not only did I defeat u but defeated any chance u have of being a 'state' it's like two big blows by Majerten
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@AarHawd_7 after identify the HJ/HY operational cell we need to do following;

1. Identify phone records thru golis and who they communicate with in or outside PL(Implicate SL officials)
2. Identify Logistics type 'old soviet era mines, ak 47, pistols' then this is SNM provided thru Ethiopia partnership as they lay mines everywhere in the north to stop the encroaching Marehan/Dhulbahante MOD forces they call(somalia army lol). Find logistic source manufacturer and market place sold(yemen). Identify if his just for pure business or has PL interests
3. Identify HQ cell in Burco and Erigavo as Galgala is clearly 'operational cell' for Bosaso
4. Begin immediate action plan to identify heirachy and bring in PL armed forces Helicopters
5. Perform PSF extractions of Burco and Erigavo HQ officials and bring to PL
6. Ensure the helicopter missions are at night when people asleep and ensure PSF are trained to identify and extract 'HY/HJ target'
7. Put them before a firing line and say 'not today nigga not today'. Immediately 'sell' the body as 'organ' parts so we pimped the nigga in death lol
8. Rinse and Repeat the same cycle of intelligence gathering, monitoring of phones, identifying new cell operational and headquarters. Implicate SL as state sponsor(So we hurt SL politically)

This is policing matters though as HJ/HY do not have an army, their like 'bimal' in the north with small territorical axis and 500 boys, they can't AFFORD military confrontation with PL armed forces.
This reminds me of all the "Guul AS" comments from non-Puntites I used to see in 2016 when they attacked Puntland. Dabcasar's emotional rant when Puntland lit them up is still a legendary video. Hateful monkeys and their impotent tears will forever taste so sweet:ahh:


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