For those who have kind and supportive family members, consider yourself blessed

Im sorry you had such experiences. You now know their true colours, never expect reconciliation going forward and decline their contact if they do. You need to build yourself up, so that you'll never rely on anyone until you feel comfortable, waan ku taageeraya 🙏


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
Im sorry you had such experiences. You now know their true colours, never expect reconciliation going forward and decline their contact if they do. You need to build yourself up, so that you'll never rely on anyone until you feel comfortable, waan ku taageeraya 🙏
Thanks for the kind words
I unfortunately didn't have that experience. My mother verbally, emotionally and physically abused me throughout my childhood and teen years and she still does. She also turned my elderly grandmother, relatives and siblings against me. As a result of that,I have anxiety depression and suicidal thoughts. And honestly, my father is no better. He always insults me and he was the one who kicked me out of the house with no dignity. So with no one from my own family to talk to,it's enough to make someone go crazy.

Wallahi when i read about stuff like this it tears my heart. I grew up in a very Loving house hold, my Parents were very kind to my siblings and i when we were growing up. I am the second oldest so I remember working at 16 and 17, I also remember the support i Had and how it helped me to go to College, work in different parts of the World and even Going back home to help. Without the loving and support of My parents especially My Mother, i dont think i would be the Man i am today. One of the things i used to be Shocked at growing up was how some people were treated at home, I used to always say ALX.

I will make a dua for you, if you really want to Progress and Become the Best version of yourself you should forgive them ALL in your Heart, and in prayer. Your world will become so Peaceful when your Heart forgives even tho its HARD. Prayer Helps, it will calm down your anxiety and depression you will notice the suicidal thoughts going away. Create journal and planner write down some small Goals and complete them.

Build yourself Sister, you will be Great and Successful, and you will see Family coming to you asking you to forgive them.
I unfortunately didn't have that experience. My mother verbally, emotionally and physically abused me throughout my childhood and teen years and she still does. She also turned my elderly grandmother, relatives and siblings against me. As a result of that,I have anxiety depression and suicidal thoughts. And honestly, my father is no better. He always insults me and he was the one who kicked me out of the house with no dignity. So with no one from my own family to talk to,it's enough to make someone go crazy.
I'm very sorry you went through that. That's very sad and you didn't deserve that fam
when I was a teenager, I used to be homeless. I used to sleep in an abandoned house.

I only mention that to illustrate that I'm familiar with difficulties. I was homeless and someone started talking to me about Islam and I started to learn about it. I only knew very little about it.

I met this guy who started talking to me about Islam and then he told me where to pick up this book with the translation of the meaning of the Quran... the Yusuf Ali translation, the transliteration and the Arabic- each was in one of three columns. He told me about Islam and told me exactly where to buy that book.

So I went and got it and I started to read the translation of the meaning of Surah Al-Baqarah. It is very funny to me because I didn't know what tafsir was. I didn't know what a hadith was, what salaah was, I just had this book and I was reading it and I had no idea how to interpret it correctly. But I have never forgotten and it was a great time in my life- to sit there and open the book and study the translation of the meaning of Surah Al-Baqarah. It was all very new to me and I was very happy and excited to start learning about all this. I was a teenager and I was homeless- yet I had one of the happiest experiences of my life.

That was about ten years ago. I'm in my late 20's. Anyways, my point is this- there is this external world and all sorts of external circumstances outside of your control. Maybe you have bad parents, maybe your spouse leaves you, maybe you're very poor, maybe your boss fires you, maybe all sorts of things. All of this is predetermined by the decree of Allah. It was predestined that I would be homeless for a certain period of time, then it was predestined for that to end.

Whatever is going on in your external world, you have to accept the decree of Allah. If you're poor or homeless or you get fired or your spouse leaves you or you have mean parents- will any of this prevent you from things like studying the Quran? Even if you feel alone and you don't have good company- the Quran can be your companion! You can do things like study hadith and the hadith can be your companion. I urge you to make good use of your time and use it to study the Quran, study the din and study Arabic.

If you do these things, I am telling you- you will forget your worldly troubles. Have focus during salaah- you will forget your worldly troubles. and insha'Allah your worldly situation will improve as it is Allah who you should seek help from. Allah is who can help you.

The imam at my mosque first met me when I was a homeless teenager. He looked at me a while ago and said I look healthier than when he first met me. I think I was malnourished back then. Sometimes I stockpile food because I remember not having food and I'm scared of being hungry.

ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَتَطۡمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُم بِذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِۗ أَلَا بِذِكۡرِ ٱللَّهِ تَطۡمَئِنُّ ٱلۡقُلُوبُ

Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.”

-Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:28
That was beautiful story you shared there. May Allah make you even more steadfast in your deen and make you an example for others.
I’m sorry you’re going through that sis. I really am. I hope in years to come you can look back at this chapter in your life as a dark time that you’ve overcome. I hope you end up in a better position and better mental frame. May Allah make it easy for you and strengthen your affairs. You’re in my duas!


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
I’m sorry you’re going through that sis. I really am. I hope in years to come you can look back at this chapter in your life as a dark time that you’ve overcome. I hope you end up in a better position and better mental frame. May Allah make it easy for you and strengthen your affairs. You’re in my duas!
Thank you

