FOB informs faraxs how to be a cuck

Saxiib, how do we deal with this new generation of simp faraxs who worship feminists :holeup:
As we are essentially scattered across the world, and as foreign cultures erode away our dhaqan, with no stable country to enforce and uphold our traditions. Sxb, the only thing Somali men can do is to resist foreign influence and to conduct ourselves according to the dhaqan. Furthermore, we must make sure we do righ by our children and pass on our dhaqan without fail.

Just to clarify things I don't support suppression of women, I view woman as human beings who are able to handle their shit.. What I'm against is toxic feminism which was designed to erode and destroy good behavior and family values. You seem to support extremist ideologies where woman are treated like second class citizens.. This is not what I support.

