Flat tards say australia is not real!!

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Red herring, they even use the fake model of a disc in space. No Flat Earther thinks Australia as a continent does not exist. I really doubt anyone at the convention even said that. Maybe a member of the bogus Flat Earth Society who are pretty much shills bent on discrediting the movement. What we do believe though is that thinking people living there are upside down, is absurd to the highest degree. Globe heads are a joke!



Ballers be like but but but muh gravity, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Red herring, they even use the fake model of a disc in space. No Flat Earther thinks Australia as a continent does not exist. I really doubt anyone at the convention even said that. Maybe a member of the bogus Flat Earth Society who are pretty much shills bent on discrediting the movement. What we do believe though is that thinking people living there are upside down, is absurd to the highest degree. Globe heads are a joke!



Ballers be like but but but muh gravity, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
You do know that's not how a sphere looks like close up....
Autism isn't funny and nothing to joke about, stop using it as an insult. Crazy how that is seen as normal but call someone fat and it's the end of the world.
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