First restauraunt in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia opened by a Somali

We have a deep history in the country, some families have been here more than 100 years. And the comments have nothing but praise for us Masha Allah.

Civil war and Somalis destroying their country and being Refugees everywhere destroyed their reputation in these Rich Gulf Countries

Somalis were well regarded in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Arabia in general for centuries
Civil war and Somalis destroying their country and being Refugees everywhere destroyed their reputation in these Rich Gulf Countries

Somalis were well regarded in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Arabia in general for centuries
Our reputation is still good, but it has taken a hit. My parents told me before the civil war we were one of the most respected Arabs in Saudi. We are still respected, because we have been here a very long time and the Saudis know this, but refugees committing crimes and scamming have really hurt our image.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
We have a deep history in the country, some families have been here more than 100 years. And the comments have nothing but praise for us Masha Allah.

Wait--- the male anchor wears a Hijaab- and the female anchor is bare haired???? Wtf???

u know what this means right? The TV audience are homosexuals who get turned on by men so he has to wear hijaaab and cover

arab GIF
The Somalis who live in the East are intelligent people and are also academically committed. The rare ones I have seen have low academic averages there, better than those who live in Jeddah (not all)
Our reputation is still good, but it has taken a hit. My parents told me before the civil war we were one of the most respected Arabs in Saudi. We are still respected, because we have been here a very long time and the Saudis know this, but refugees committing crimes and scamming have really hurt our image.
Which group of foreign Arabs has the best reputation in Saudi? I heard Sudanis are held in high esteem, but the Masris are mistreated.


The only Somali in Arabia
Which group of foreign Arabs has the best reputation in Saudi? I heard Sudanis are held in high esteem, but the Masris are mistreated.
Sudanis are treated well, but they go through alot of subtle racism. However I see alot who are becoming managers of shops etc


The only Somali in Arabia
Sudanis are treated well, but they go through alot of subtle racism. However I see alot who are becoming managers of shops etc
Somalis prob have best reputation from Africa since the ones who live here are mostly educated elites and business owners whose families have been here for a least a couple of generations. They also tend to be the richest Somali diaspora apparently from what I've heard from my parents. Saudi though, is prob the worst place to go if your an immigrant without money or skills.
Somalis prob have best reputation from Africa since the ones who live here are mostly educated elites and business owners whose families have been here for a least a couple of generations. They also tend to be the richest Somali diaspora apparently from what I've heard from my parents. Saudi though, is prob the worst place to go if your an immigrant without money or skills.
We are a very old community in the country and people are aware. It is because of this fact that we are respected more compared to other Arabs like Egyptians.
Which group of foreign Arabs has the best reputation in Saudi? I heard Sudanis are held in high esteem, but the Masris are mistreated.
Other khaleejis have the best reputation I have never heard of discrimination against fellow GCC nationals. However, as @SaMale said, Somalis are probably among the most respected Africans as well as sudanis. We are alot more liked than Maghrebis and significantly more respected than habeshas, who they look down on.
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