Fire fought with fire

Somalias opposition seem to have finally fought fire with fire with regards to Farmajo. CBB will complain of foreign interference and warlordism but farmajo declared he was a warlord shortly after he was elected and only force will counter force and they proved they had the bigger stick. Kudos
Somalias opposition seem to have finally fought fire with fire with regards to Farmajo. CBB will complain of foreign interference and warlordism but farmajo declared he was a warlord shortly after he was elected and only force will counter force and they proved they had the bigger stick. Kudos
With All the seen the COUPS in africa 2020 >> 2022 Somalia Didnt go down that road and went down the Election option which was the right one.

the opposition could of easily took over villa Somalia last year April which shows when you are strong you don't need to go full power rather just wait it out.

Somalia Is slowly getting stronger and stronger .. Somali People Will be 100X in the next 8 years.
You’re still thinking about a raxanweyn as lower house speaker, stupidity summed up

@Awbarkhadle this was you in my thread

I deserve an apology ,

You see saxib there is method to this madness.
Let me explain to you why HAG chose himilo qaran guy the honourable sheikh Aden madoobe instead of xidig

1) sheikh Aden madoobe is a long time supporter of sh shareef and is part of himilo qaran .
Sheikh Aden madoobe have seen how far Somalia has come hes also a veteran who fought against darood militias and hawiye ,he gained the respect of both HAG and southern daroods. Hes a man who will do what's best for his people and Somalia.

2) nobody pushed him to run for the speakership ,he wanted it and belive he will deliver the blow to the cheese .

3) HAG dont know who xidig is properly . For all we know he couldve been a decoy to split the kabalalax and HAG,
Even the D&M didnt vote for him , wont you think they would vote for him so they can get the PM or president ?

4) we belive in the term "my word is my bond" HAG dislike people that break deals or go back on agreements. somalia had 12 shir after the civil war and the only thing everyone agreed on is the shitty unfair 4.5 system with hawiye & darood switching pm & presidency , Dir deputy pm and D&M speaker of the parliament.

5) we smelled the blood and insecurity of farmajo , we dont need to break the 4.5 agreement and install darood for speaker to take him out .if farmajo was confident he wouldnt delay elections , put barriers to slow things down nor try to instigate war . If he was confident he wouldve been the first to demand for elections
Keep in mind till now he hasnt come out in public to declare his candidacy.
@Awbarkhadle this was you in my thread

I deserve an apology ,

You see saxib there is method to this madness.
Let me explain to you why HAG chose himilo qaran guy the honourable sheikh Aden madoobe instead of xidig

1) sheikh Aden madoobe is a long time supporter of sh shareef and is part of himilo qaran .
Sheikh Aden madoobe have seen how far Somalia has come hes also a veteran who fought against darood militias and hawiye ,he gained the respect of both HAG and southern daroods. Hes a man who will do what's best for his people and Somalia.

2) nobody pushed him to run for the speakership ,he wanted it and belive he will deliver the blow to the cheese .

3) HAG dont know who xidig is properly . For all we know he couldve been a decoy to split the kabalalax and HAG,
Even the D&M didnt vote for him , wont you think they would vote for him so they can get the PM or president ?

4) we belive in the term "my word is my bond" HAG dislike people that break deals or go back on agreements. somalia had 12 shir after the civil war and the only thing everyone agreed on is the shitty unfair 4.5 system with hawiye & darood switching pm & presidency , Dir deputy pm and D&M speaker of the parliament.

5) we smelled the blood and insecurity of farmajo , we dont need to break the 4.5 agreement and install darood for speaker to take him out .if farmajo was confident he wouldnt delay elections , put barriers to slow things down nor try to instigate war . If he was confident he wouldve been the first to demand for elections
Keep in mind till now he hasnt come out in public to declare his candidacy.
I give credit where it’s due so i apologise. My only problem with HAG is the pandering to darood which causes more problems then it was created to solve. The 5 years of farmajo karbash on hawiye pissed me off because farmajo and his CBB only returned the favour with disrespect. Disenfranchisement of raxanweyn will only lead to more attempted disenfranchisement because haran halal ma dalo. I hope sharif comes to power and makes the Supreme Court and allows raxanweyn to have some dignity instead of raxanweyn just being guaranteed 60 seats for whoever is in villa Somalia. I think that along with him being daacad to defeat al shabaab will lead to the defeat of al shabaab and kicking Ethiopia out of baydhabo.
Somalia cannot afford state capture by fa.qash. Sws should be pushed to the juba river
I give credit where it’s due so i apologise. My only problem with HAG is the pandering to darood which causes more problems then it was created to solve. The 5 years of farmajo karbash on hawiye pissed me off because farmajo and his CBB only returned the favour with disrespect. Disenfranchisement of raxanweyn will only lead to more attempted disenfranchisement because haran halal ma dalo. I hope sharif comes to power and makes the Supreme Court and allows raxanweyn to have some dignity instead of raxanweyn just being guaranteed 60 seats for whoever is in villa Somalia. I think that along with him being daacad to defeat al shabaab will lead to the defeat of al shabaab and kicking Ethiopia out of baydhabo.
Somalia cannot afford state capture by fa.qash. Sws should be pushed to the juba river

My ppl lived with D&M since 1600th , it was digil geledi and my subclan wacdaan cisman who defeated the ajuraan allied Silcis and then establishing the Gabroon sultanate , few lafs of my subclan even got absorbed by D&M confederation my ppl are naturally pro Digil .during the civil war we even fought our brothers the galjecel who were bullying 5calemood and geledi in jambaluul afgooye .During the occupation of baidoa-burhakaba by darood and Hussein caydiid it was my subclan who welcomed raxanweyne to ceelasha and km50.
I would much liked if hawiye supported the hizibia D&M who wanted a con federalism system instead of that qashin syl that was joint lead by hawiye and darood .
The reasons why I support himilo qaran is because out of the hawiye parties they are the most pro D&M and the party that's pushing the end of the cursed 4.5 sharing system .