Garowe Online is the breitbart of Somali news.
Garowe Online is the most reputable news source in Somalia. This is why it is frequently sourced in research articles, books (like the Harun Maruf one), and UN reports. Your argument against them rests purely on clan affiliations and not the actual quality of their work, which is undisputed.Ahhh accusation made by blackie Published by the reputable garowe online
War has already been declared. And it wasn't by Jubaland.why is jubaland still associating its self with FGS. They should declare war on them
Why would garowe online publish a baseless accusation huh?Garowe Online is the most reputable news source in Somalia. This is why it is frequently sourced in research articles, books (like the Harun Maruf one), and UN reports. Your argument against them rests purely on clan affiliations and not the actual quality of their work, which is undisputed.
Besides, what you're saying doesn't even make sense. The suggestion that Garowe Online would forge this quote and attribute it to Ahmed Madobe is laughable. He said this on video.
Garowe Online is the most reputable news source in Somalia.
Ahmed lol let's gang up on this fool
The accusation is far from baseless. There's heaps of documented evidence of the FGS bribing MPs and ministers in South West State and Galmudug. They didn't even try to hide it. It's only natural that this political bribery would extend to heads of states. That is, this news was actually widely assumed before; President Ahmed Madobe merely confirmed it and Garowe Online is reporting on it.Why
Why would garowe online publish a baseless accusation huh?
If It is so reputable???
I guarantee you the FGS will leave PL to rot if they don't want to deal and use their resources. SL however is divided and reer sool need to decide what they want.The xaarmajo regime only wants to destroy FMS one by one. Pl should prepare its self cause once JL is dealt with
Only supporters of Nabar iyo Naxdin would call defecting to Al Shabaab "seeing sense".I'm interested to see how this develops.
Seems like everyone is accusing everyone in this game of kenyan puppet. I heard his right hand man abandoned him after seeing sense when the americans killed hte shabaab leader in the air strike recently.
He probably gets payed more from the kenyans so i don't blame his low iq self for rejecting the offer of peace instead of bloodshed. The FGS will deal with janaan who keeps hopping over the border for round 2 and then madoobe will be left alone until kenya is removed.Not sure why N&N bots would deny Madoobe being bribed when they openly brag about bribing Xaaf so that he’d step down. This isn’t exactly something that is a secret. Of course they also attempted to bribe Madoobe but unlike Xaaf, Madoobe has morals
He probably gets payed more from the kenyans so i don't blame his low iq self for rejecting the offer of peace instead of bloodshed. The FGS will deal with janaan who keeps hopping over the border for round 2 and then madoobe will be left alone until kenya is removed.
He has effectively been demoted anyway, once a new admin is placed and elections take place to replace him, he will only be leader in name. Once the kenyans leave he will have no allies to back him up.