Fathers (discussion)

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With the recent wave of disobedient xalimos and druggie sons in our community i would like to share with you my experience and how it taught me to be a real man. My father didn't teach me much but from him i learned early on the truth about this world and how vicious it is and how to defeat it. Here are the list of some things i picked up growing up.

1) Keep you own values dear and don't follow others! they will make you a mindless following sheep like most social media attention seekers today. I'm glad i learnt this on as it help me to understand the toxic rule of heirachy in high school where they all follow each other and make fools out of themselves (class clown ect) to be the centre of attention. Iwas taught to be a leader and ppl naturally gravitated towards me because they were sick (well most of them) of following the mainstream niggas that would praise you if you give them attention and throw you under the bus weeks later if they got dirt on you. Some kid attempted suicide because some ppl in our year found out dirt on him and gossiped (i was taught it was a female trait and was especially pathetic on males). Some guys literally got expelled for trying to look cool and some kid was so desperate for attention (i knew he came from a broken home and as a result must have gotten no attention) he hung on a window on a class field trip and dropped down breaking his arm. The same niggas that were laughing and cheering him on never visited his ass in hospital.

2)Most ppl are jealous and will try to drag you down- This one was a bit bizarre..I just moved to a new school and this nigga just instantly disliked me and even his friends didn't understand the hatred it was beyond normal and was nearing mental health level. It turns out shit was really going bad for him he was poor as f*ck and was suffering from anorexia or some shit (dude was unhealthily skinny and ppl mocked him for it) he was apparently jealous that i made friends with his only two friends and he felt threatened since they were all he had. I backed off since i couldn't really deal with that kind of bull shit and felt sorry for the guy, but he had the nerve to still act up and i berated him for it and got real pissed one day and nearly made him cry since i was done being a gentle giant and have deep hatred for niggas that try to act tough but are pussies in real life. When i grabbed him he was about to piss himself and i asserted my dominance and his friends and the others that thought he was about to die that day. Then again i wasn't gonna get suspended for some skinny ass kid, but he got the message.

3) Always test people and never let them have it easy (even if you lose a fight)- this one is a no brainer if i lost a fight after taking boxing lessons then my father would be ashamed of me and he told me to never back down from cowards (especially the loudest ones).Don't take my word for it you also need to be wise and know when to back down, but i find that having the inner strength to shout down niggas! always helps to make them think twice. They will always be just as worried about meeting another nutter like them and 50% of the time will back down. This advice helped me and will help most of your future children to be strong and fearless for one cannot win if they are not brave. Think david and goliath and if you win you will be hailed as a hero as most likely no one else liked that person and were probably too beta to confront them.

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Expert in jinn exorcism-jinni ceejiye
Avoid girls with out father figure or from single parent household or you will face the the devastating consequences for your future children.for fks sake she is from a broken house and will break yours
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