Farmajo Backing Sharif In Round 2



Maxaa Deni uga soo baxay kulamadii Qoor-qoor iyo Laftagareen?​



Deni kama wal-wal qabo mana ahan,waxa uu Saacadan baadigoobayo Xildhibaanada Wareega 1-aad dhaafinaya.
Deni,waxuu Caawa heli karaa wareega 1-aad ugu sarayn 165-Cod iyo ugu hoosayn 110-Cod.

165-taas uu Caawa haysto,waxaa ku jira 80-Cod oo Wareeg walba la soconaya oo ku dhimanaya.
Balse ciyaartu waa wareega Labaad iyo kala goosigeeda.



Waxuu kaga hor yimid Farmaajo in wareega Labaad marka uu haro uu Codka siiyo Sh.Shariif,taa badalkeeda Deni,ayuu door biday una yeertay.
Shan arimood,ayuu miiska soo saartay oo kala ah….

1.In uu ku difaaco Kursiga Madaxweyne ee KG.
2.In uu ka talageliyo Qofka noqonaya Ra’isalwasaaraha.
3.In uu siiyo Wasiirka Maaliyada.
4.Kala badbaadinta isaga iyo Aadan Madoobe.



I am suprised that Somalis are still entertaining my 'reer ayeeyo' Abgaal as some sort of leadership. If 8 years of sharif/hsm hasn't shown you, we will just be in another 4 years of waste where nothing is done. We need a Majerten in that seat or else the federal government will continue to be undermined.

If Somalis are smart they wud 'use' Deni who is probably their best shot becuz he was a HSM crony. If this opportunity leaves them, a hardcore MJ is likely gonna be elected in 2024 from Puntland and the federal government is gonna remain where it is, 'one room in villa somalia' with 'amisom protection' and shabab over-running the south.

That's the reality when u elect a HAG, that's all u will get. If u don't see HS/GM as an example of HAG wisdom, u guys are totally blind. I am sitting here wondering am I the only one with 'eyes' in this forum. The only ppl against a MJ in villa somalia are those who want Somalia to be where it is forever, Somalia cannot move forward without MJ approval, whether in villa somalia or outside of it. If MJ is outside villa somalia, they will just deadlock the government into 4 years of nothingness from PL.

If you guys want Somalia once and for all settled, it won't happen without Puntland leading.
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Sharif is too nice and maskin that is honest assessment of him that I agree, plus he has a 'dhulbahante' advisory 'team' that's why Farmajo is backing him. Wa nin layska wadan karo sida dameer, this won't bring settlement in Somalia, being hostage to people personal interest.

We don't need a maskin in villa somalia, we need a realistic leader that is cutt-throat and doesn't hide away from what's holding Somalia back. Issues like federalism, constitution, political settlement, somaliland secession, all need legit solutions before we discuss security as security is tied to those matters.

Having PL in office, the question of federalism will be answered, the constitution will be finished which will end political deadlocks. SL will be given a rotation with IRIR in presidency/pm spot. This is the sort of things we need done, not a damn maskin.

HSM is just a man who wants 'corruption money' he has no real agenda outside of that. He is former NGO, you shud know NGO ppl are 'gaajo' and all they want is 'money' from being in the villa nothing else. HSM nearly destroyed the whole nation in his term.

We need a leader who isn't maskin like sharif and not an extreme idiot who will destroy the nation like HSM, we need a leader in-between those two extremes. Deni is the only one that fits that criteria.
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Farmaajo is not backing anyone. Farmaajo only backs himself win or lose.

You dumb f*ck all candidates have a Plan b in 'round 2' if they don't make it, they will cut deals with who-ever is leading in return for they're bloc. Farmajo is in bed with Sharif in round 2.
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I am worried 'deni' is going to come out to 'strong' in the first round and lag behind in the second round when 'farmajo' cuts a deal with 'sharif' and sharif will shoot thru in the 3rd round with deni only having his 110 bloc, unless HSM 'throws his bloc' to Deni in round 2 and it most likely will be like that as they're both 'dam jadiid'.


You dumb f*ck all candidates have a Plan b in 'round 2' if they don't make it, they will cut deals with who-ever is leading in return for they're bloc. Farmajo is in bed with Sharif in round 2.

Your a moron if you think farmaajo prefers sharif over hsm or sharif over deni. They are all the same to him.

It was sharif that started the thumma walaahi thumma when farmaajo was only 2 years in office. While during hassan sheikh era. Sharif was in USA studying English.

Sharif is no different then any other farmaajo hating mucaarid. The only difference would be sharif is a very dumb guy.


@cow I don't think Somalia will recover as long as 4.5 exists. We shud be using 'districts' type elections, at least the vote will now look like one 'backed' by a whole nation not some 4.5 crew with way more representataion then they represent nationally.

4.5 puts too much power into clans who don't have that representation nationally. That is a huge issue that need to settle or else we have a government run that is not backed by it's real power base but by laangaabs.

How Hags/dir who populate(banadir, hiran, middle shabelle, hiran, half mudug and hargeisa n burco n awdal) have 120 seats between them is beyond belief and it's totally haram. These irir clans represent 30% of the nation maximum. Untill that is rectified, we going to have a govt that represents langaabs and we will continue be in this failed state.
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@cow My father told me Hags n Isaaq started to claim Dir becuz they were in 'fear' Of Darod warriors wiping them out back in the old days before colonialism, every time they were told 'dir sheego' or 'else' as swords were lined up to their necks. That's why Somalis r seen as 'dir iyo darod' because noone else could exist in Somali lands outside those clans. That's why u never see MJS ever fight with Dir. I remember when I was in hamar and chillin with a southern dir diaspora, he told me MJS are loyal to history and never attack them.

Dir always had 'protection' under the 'wiil n abti' alliance between darod n doonbiro. But I say that protection should be lifted, we should tell Djibouti, we are not fools and we know these guys even attack and kill dirs and are not dir by lineage, wallahi we cud push these niggas out into another nation.
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Dr Osman last piece of advice to all Somalis.

1. Dont elect a guy who has no plan or lacks capability beyond his personal interest and status. The worst leader is the one who just wants to lead for the sake of leading.

2. Select a guy who isn't extreme on politics like HSM, we know where that goes nowhere but conflict. But don't select a guy who is maskin and weak minded like Sharif, he will shy away from doing the hard work becuz he wants to preserve his 'wadani reputation. You need a man who is between the 'extreme and the wadani types' ideally he should be sitting in the middle ground of those two extremes.

Good luck all Candidates. I doubt anyone will listen to Dr Osman but don't cry when I show you what I said is true in the future as the nation remains in deadlock and no real progress due to the wrong leader qualities.


Remember guys we need a leader who is rational and reason based not 'religious, tribal, etc'. Without reason n rationality no-one will be convinced in Somalia. These r facts. Or else let shabab continue plundering galgala minerals, plundering southern farm-land, plundereing charcoal, these shabab are only here to plunder and sell at measly 'rate' to emirati middle men who 'value add' and make 10 times the profit.

It's sad I heard yemeni restaurants only 'hire yemenis' in Somalia, turks do the same in mogadishu. Imagine being in a country where ppl rob your markets and don't even allow you to get a slice loooooooool.


Your a moron if you think farmaajo prefers sharif over hsm or sharif over deni. They are all the same to him.

It was sharif that started the thumma walaahi thumma when farmaajo was only 2 years in office. While during hassan sheikh era. Sharif was in USA studying English.

Sharif is no different then any other farmaajo hating mucaarid. The only difference would be sharif is a very dumb guy.
The rivalry between the mucarad has become so bad they split into two groups, 1 group that backs Xassan Sh and one group that will throw their vote to Farmaajo as Plan B.

Farmaajo won't reject people who come to him to strike a deal for PM He knows parliament is divided and he needs strong majority in parliament to have stable government.
@cow My father told me Hags n Isaaq started to claim Dir becuz they were in 'fear' Of Darod warriors wiping them out back in the old days before colonialism, every time they were told 'dir sheego' or 'else' as swords were lined up to their necks. That's why Somalis r seen as 'dir iyo darod' because noone else could exist in Somali lands outside those clans. That's why u never see MJS ever fight with Dir. I remember when I was in hamar and chillin with a southern dir diaspora, he told me MJS are loyal to history and never attack them.

Dir always had 'protection' under the 'wiil n abti' alliance between darod n doonbiro. But I say that protection should be lifted, we should tell Djibouti, we are not fools and we know these guys even attack and kill dirs and are not dir by lineage, wallahi we cud push these niggas out into another nation.

Isaaq has been occupying Jabarti territories since before the British protectorate days and Isaaq conquests continued until the 60s. Isaaq clan is not part of the Samaale/Irir confederation but it looks like you are hiding behind the Jabarti/Daarood confederation because of fear of a clan called Haawiye ibn Irir Samaale. No Haawiye responded to your thread yet but IM betting most Haawiye wont hide behind the Samaale/Irir confederation
Waxuu kaga hor yimid Farmaajo in wareega Labaad marka uu haro uu Codka siiyo Sh.Shariif,taa badalkeeda Deni,ayuu door biday una yeertay.
Shan arimood,ayuu miiska soo saartay oo kala ah….

1.In uu ku difaaco Kursiga Madaxweyne ee KG.
2.In uu ka talageliyo Qofka noqonaya Ra’isalwasaaraha.
3.In uu siiyo Wasiirka Maaliyada.
4.Kala badbaadinta isaga iyo Aadan Madoobe.


Shariif is the least offensive guy to everyone in round 3. MrCheese would want to eliminate Shariif in round 1. Go up against XSM/Deni/CCW in round 3 and the support of the anti DamJadiid/AaranJaan crowd
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