Farmaajo's thugs torture and tie up journalists

The haram cad tick tock force ran like bijjis and lost some numbers while running away from kaxda and ceelasha they took their anger and terrorized miskeen journalists so they dont report the heavy casualties they suffered . May Allah let both terrorists militias finish off each other πŸ™πŸ½


In mogadishu, grown men caught by the police are supposed journalists in an area that al shabAb just attacked. But in puntland 14 year old are sentenced to death for allegedly being part of al shabaab.

These peoples hypocrisy knows no bounds
You have young men with a dslr camera and suddenly they are a 'journalist'? I have not met a single non-bias professional 'journalist' in Somalia ever.
damn, when i saw the pic, i thought to myself they are alshaab
That's what a lot of AS do. They are very sneaky many hide as 'journslists', Which is a joke because there is no such thing as journalism in Somalia. Any person with a DSLR in Somalia is a 'journalist'. We have only sensationalism and gossip.

