Farmaajo's desperation: Requesting Qalbi Dhagax back from The Ethiopian PM

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The brazen arrogance of this man knows no bounds, he thinks he can dictate to the Ethiopian PM the same way his hero Barre arrogantly tried to dictate to the super powers and as a result dragged us into an unwinnable suicidal war that destroyed our state.

He had a two hour conversation with the Ethiopian PM who is milking this for what it's worth, listening to his pathetic grovelling beggary after realizing his errors, it's being rumoured the Ethiopian PM partially agreed after Farmaajo first agreed to several secret concessions in return.

But the Xabshi's want to keep Qalbi Dhagax in Baidoia under their control until the Somali public revolt calms down and he can be transported back to Addis quietly in the future, Farmaajo wants him in Xamar for better PR

Some sources are saying since the Ethiopian's also have close ties with Kheyre, his resignation is being used to strong arm them into complying, the message to them is to either "accept" or face a very Anti Ethiopian administration under a new PM with the removal of their troops.

What a complete utter farcical shambles this has turned into, listen to it below.


  • MD-Farmaajo-iyo-RW-Itoobiya-oo-arimo-xasaasi-kawada-hadlay-Farmaajo-sadax-qodob-shardi-looga-d.mp3
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This moryaan thinks he is smarter than the rest of us lol.

Ninyahow farmaajo is here to stay but he was naive to give the moryaans within his administration extended powers to run the government.

Now he needs to be in control and consolidate the powers and fire the pro amxaar members of his administration
This moryaan thinks he is smarter than the rest of us lol.

Ninyahow farmaajo is here to stay but he was naive to give the moryaans within his administration extended powers to run the government.

Now he needs to be in control and consolidate the powers and fire the pro amxaar members of his administration

Your a supporter of Afbijo that twice brought Xabashi troops to the country (during the kacaan and 2006) including the state he helped found, yet you are talking about Farmaajo firing pro Amxaaro from the cabinet that he selected? :russ:
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You a supporter of Afbijo that twice brought Xabashi troops to the country (during the kacaan and 2006) talking about Farmaajo firing pro Amxaaro from the cabinet that he selected? :russ:
Wrong!... iam the most anti abdullahi yusuf mj around purely because of the fact that iam a firm kacaanist, but can you say openly like me your anti caydiid because of his moryaanism.

Btw im neither gaas supporter yet we from the same subclan.:comeon:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Duchess shilling for broke Ethiopians kkkkkk

What are they paying you in, food aid
Wrong!... iam the most anti abdullahi yusuf mj around purely because of the fact that iam a firm kacaanist, but can you say openly like me your anti caydiid because of his moryaanism.

Btw im neither gaas supporter yet we from the same subclan.:comeon:
They think like the Somalidiid and the koonfur we support our leaders without accountability.
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