Farmaajo: "We will seek support with our Ethiopian brothers"

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Ethiopia is an African superpower and overshadows Somalia in the Horn. Somalia looks up to Ethiopia. Somalia is not complete without Ethiopia. Nigeria is the older brother of Ghana and Ethiopia is the older brother of Somalia and Australia is the older brother of New Zealand.

La xawla wala quwati illa bilaah caliyulcadiim

Sxb, what are we going to do about all these house negros that call themselves presidents? :ileycry:
Ethiopians are just perplexed how a tiny population covered so much land. Somalis are the rightful champions of the Horn of Africa. Never let your confindence dissuade.
Ethiopia is an African superpower and overshadows Somalia in the Horn. Somalia looks up to Ethiopia. Somalia is not complete without Ethiopia. Nigeria is the older brother of Ghana and Ethiopia is the older brother of Somalia and Australia is the older brother of New Zealand.

There’s a saying Ethiopians were never allowed to see the ocean, because the ocean only wanted real men to touch it.

Our Geeljires were 100 years away from passively pushing Ethiopians into Uganda. There’s something about seeing two Cushitic nomads marching 400 camels across an open horizon that frightens Ethiopians farmers till this day.



As a good person, I can feel it within my heart that Farmaajo is also a good person. He should be trusted, and we should follow his leadership for a better, more transparent Somalia. :)


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis

'They're our historical enemies. They're not our friends, they don't care about Somalia'

I feel bad for him.:ohlord:


As i live and breathe

'They're our historical enemies. They're not our friends, they don't care about Somalia'

I feel bad for him.:ohlord:

What happened to this guy? Maybe he's paying lip service, for their assistance, but hates them in his heart? Somali Taqqiya? :lolbron:


Gacanta Madaxweynaha
God bless farmajo. We must centralize the somali government. Down with all the qabil enclaves.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
What happened to this guy? Maybe he's paying lip service, for their assistance, but hates them in his heart? Somali Taqqiya? :lolbron:

Just few months ago he requested Ethiopia not to interfere in our affairs during his first Addis visit and now he's requesting their military assistance. The entire security apparatus are in the hands of people that belong to clans that oppose you. He should've expected this mess. What a dummy.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
What a let down!
When did the enemies of Somalis became their brothers?
Stick a fork in it, he is done.


Self imposed exile
I'm really hoping that this is all an act so that he could get himself some more time and space to consolidate power across Somalia.

However he doesn't come across as that shrewd...

Is there anyone in Somali politics that can be trusted?

I'm starting to think that the reason the military is being underfunded is so that they don't pose a threat to the puppet politicians.

A general with a well trained 10,000 geeljire with decent weapons could take over Xamar in a week and clean out the foreign plants.

Hoping Turkey pulls through and trains a 10k+ soldiers since Farmaajo isn't interested in doing so it seems.
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