Farmaajo to sign a Security Deal with Ethiopia & Eritrea to attack opposition and Puntland


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
He sold the sea and is now reporting fake news. Allow ceebteena astur :snoop:


True Puntlander
Parliament passed a law so that the government can continue to function. The opposition manufactured a constitutional crisis to cause a power vacuum just so that they could remove him.

Going as far as calling for a civil war just to get back in power. Calling for the IC to overthrow the President.

You call that saviour. Where in the Dastuur does it say you get to go that far.
Did the New law you saying approved by Somalia Senate parliament? Answer is No.

Did the New law singed by Somalia president after Senate parliament ? Answer Is No

Did the new law add to Somalia Dastuur? Answer is No.

Somalia Dastuur is supreme law of Somalia and Reference, not Lower Parliament.

Deni Did call for Civil war?, All media were asking this question to HSM to not go back to Civil war. Deni just remind us there is still people wants to go back to Civil war.

Calling IC its nothing new cause they were in Xalane since 2007. They give Xarmaajo money and food. And on the four years of his rule no one overthrow him. Our issue with Dictator is step down and not still sitting in chair you have no right to it since Feb 9, and stop using military for your own agenda that not accepted by Somalia Dastuur.

Deni is Savior to many of us. Even Hawiya hate MJ since AY AUN. Now they cheer for Deni.
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Did the New law you saying approved by Somalia Senate parliament? Answer is No.

Did the New law singed by Somalia president after Senate parliament ? Answer Is No

Did the new law add to Somalia Dastuur? Answer is No.

Somalia Dastuur is supreme law of Somalia and Reference, not Lower Parliament.

Deni Did call for Civil war?, All media were asking this question to HSM to not go back to Civil war. Deni just remind us there is still people wants to go back to Civil war.

Calling IC its nothing new cause they were in Xalane since 2007. They give Xarmaajo money and food. And on the four years of his rule no one overthrow him. Our issue with Dictator is step down and not still sitting in chair you have no right to it since Feb 9, and stop using military for your own agenda that not accepted by Somalia Dastuur.

Deni is Savior to many of us. Even Hawiya hate MJ since AY AUN. Now they cheer for Deni.
The call for war came way way before any election. There was no intention of holding an election, just frustrating the process. After all the meetings there was a deal in September which is not honoured to cause a crisis so he can be removed by force. When all of this fails, ask the IC to remove him.

People actively trying to cause a civil war calling themselves saviours. Asking for foreign overthrow of a sitting president. Engaging in highly treasonous acts then talking about dastuur. If you want to remove him then actually follow the dastuur and hold elections.
F*ck him and anyone who supports him, Deni and Madoobe don't recognise him as a legitimate president which is the right move.

His time is done, if he wants extension or beg xabashis for support then he can do that but know that he is fighting Hiraab+Kablalax+Isaaq if he really thinks that he can win I salut him bravest Somali ever. No Somali had that much against him even Siad Barre used to fear Hawiyes and guess what he was right. Its like he knew what they were capable of.


We should be careful in signing any pact be it security or economically hastily, no doubt we have made so much progress but at the same time, we are not at a point where we can confidently go in to deals without any fear and concerns. We still have ways to go and road obstacles to get over, let us prioritize that :)


Fake news like all the rest.
The call for war came way way before any election. There was no intention of holding an election, just frustrating the process. After all the meetings there was a deal in September which is not honoured to cause a crisis so he can be removed by force. When all of this fails, ask the IC to remove him.

People actively trying to cause a civil war calling themselves saviours. Asking for foreign overthrow of a sitting president. Engaging in highly treasonous acts then talking about dastuur. If you want to remove him then actually follow the dastuur and hold elections.
He was called by his masters Afiwaki and Abiye