Farmaajo has outclassed the IC and may go for extension

Masha'Allahi Qoorqoor said it well, that Farmaajo is not an candidate and if he does declare his candidate than he wil treat him the same as other candidates, its an under hidden message that he accepts Framaajo's extension.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Masha'Allahi Qoorqoor said it well, that Farmaajo is not an candidate and if he does declare his candidate than he wil treat him the same as other candidates, its an under hidden message that he accepts Framaajo's extension.
The spoilers from Madasha dont know where to go their masters have rejected them


farmajo outmanoeuvred his opponents. they went from banging drums of civil war to bliis bliis beesha 6aad na caawiya kkkk.
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