October 8, 2019
By Mohamed Heebaan
It is another anniversary of Qalbi-dhagax’s kidnapping and illegal rendition, and another sad reminder for President Farmaajo. Someone may say, Qalbi-dhagax? Wasn’t that sometime ago? Should we still be talking about this? Absolutely. For Mr. Farmaajo, Qalbi-dhagax’s issue will never end, because it was a treasonous act. And so long the man who committed that treason is in power, Qalbi dhagax’s issue will remain relevant. And when Mr. Farmaajo leaves office, it will still haunt him. And as Prof. Xasan Keynaan underlined in his recent artcle, Qalbi-dhagax’s issue will define Farmaajo’s legacy. The significance of Betraying Qalbi-dhagax wasn’t just betraying one man, or an organization, or a region. It was betraying a cause: the cause of the Somali people. And it is the betrayal of the cause that Mr. Farmaajo can never get around. It will haunt him till the day he dies, and even after.
President Farmaajo
In the huge homecoming dinner that was held for him in Nairobi, after he was released from Ethiopia, Qalbi-dhagax delivered a moving speech that he thanked the Somali people everywhere. He particularly thanked the Somali media that kept his cause alive. He spoke from the bottom of his heart, and said he was proud of belonging to “Isirka Soomaaliyeed!” It was fitting speech from a man, whose plight had shaken the conscious of the Somali people.
October 8, 2019
By Mohamed Heebaan
It is another anniversary of Qalbi-dhagax’s kidnapping and illegal rendition, and another sad reminder for President Farmaajo. Someone may say, Qalbi-dhagax? Wasn’t that sometime ago? Should we still be talking about this? Absolutely. For Mr. Farmaajo, Qalbi-dhagax’s issue will never end, because it was a treasonous act. And so long the man who committed that treason is in power, Qalbi dhagax’s issue will remain relevant. And when Mr. Farmaajo leaves office, it will still haunt him. And as Prof. Xasan Keynaan underlined in his recent artcle, Qalbi-dhagax’s issue will define Farmaajo’s legacy. The significance of Betraying Qalbi-dhagax wasn’t just betraying one man, or an organization, or a region. It was betraying a cause: the cause of the Somali people. And it is the betrayal of the cause that Mr. Farmaajo can never get around. It will haunt him till the day he dies, and even after.

President Farmaajo
In the huge homecoming dinner that was held for him in Nairobi, after he was released from Ethiopia, Qalbi-dhagax delivered a moving speech that he thanked the Somali people everywhere. He particularly thanked the Somali media that kept his cause alive. He spoke from the bottom of his heart, and said he was proud of belonging to “Isirka Soomaaliyeed!” It was fitting speech from a man, whose plight had shaken the conscious of the Somali people.