Far-Left anarchist groups infiltrate riots

Far left groups like antifa have infiltrated blm riots and have been initiating violence and burning of structures.

Look at the people mostly starting the breaking of windows- There white kids. The people who are most violent and burning cars are white kids. Antifa ancharists are burning down black neighborhoods, black businesses.


It's all so tiresome
White fed antifa burn down shops and idiot geeljire stand in front of it while getting interviewed by CNN asking for the release of the cop who killed that Australian women.

It’s ffuckingg ANTIFA! They’re literally bussing their members to different cities to join the protests and quickly escalate the situation. They’re the ones initiating the buring of building, the breaking of windows, they’re the ones doing that. Watch:

100% of the people arrested for gettiting violent were out of the state. Not residents. What does that tell you? White anarchists are playing blm like fools.
100% of the people arrested for gettiting violent were out of the state. Not residents. What does that tell you? White anarchists are playing blm like fools.
86.9% were not from St. Paul but Minneapolis or the metro area actually. All it tells me is that it's mostly angry and excited city kids getting their bag.
It’s not even about George Floyd anymore. It’s just people with pent up energy and aggression from being quarantined letting off some steam wallahi.


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