Failmajo Vs Blackie

Doqonki cagdheer the white guy is clearly giving him that as a gift. You can see Gaas receiving the gift. You wouldn’t know anything about receiving a gift other than a blow to your back!
"yuU cAn SeE gAaS rEcEiviNg giFt"


Ok buddy :drakekidding:
Doqonki cagdheer the white guy is clearly giving him that as a gift. You can see Gaas receiving the gift. You wouldn’t know anything about receiving a gift other than a blow to your back!

Doqonti Majerteen Gorilla Osman Muxamuud ,

stop changing tactics, he caught your uncle red handed,

One is a terrorist and one succesfully cleansed Xamar of terrorists in 6 months as PM. There is no comparison.