Failed coup to unseat Jordanian king, Former Jordanian crown prince under house arrest.


Seems to be a Gulf tradition for a prince to attempt a palace coup :jaynerd:
I know. The former sultan of Oman, Qaboos and the current Emir of Qatar did this to their fathers
Both their fathers were incompetent rulers who refused to modernise their countries.
Both countries are better off today then they would've been had they continued to be under their rule.
Both their fathers were incompetent rulers who refused to modernise their countries.
Both countries are better off today then they would've been had they continued to be under their rule.
I know that was the situation in Oman, but the former Qatar emir developed his country.


Veni Vidi Vici
Both their fathers were incompetent rulers who refused to modernise their countries.
Both countries are better off today then they would've been had they continued to be under their rule.
Haitham now is continuing on the legacy of Qaboos AUN with such ease. Qaboos made Oman into the neutral land today, Tamim speared through the ideas of the forefathers and he lead the nation through the crises.

I wouldn't be surprised if UAE or others was involved in this, the same way it occurred in Turkey.

