Extension of Lower House MP selections till 15 March, Roble & FEIT to make decision on Gedo alongside Madoobe.

DEG DEG : Golaha wadatashiga Qaranka oo Soo saaray Go’aano la xiriira Doorashada.

1- In doorashada dhammaan kuraasta harsan ee Golaha Shacabka lagu soo gabagabeeyo ugu dambeyn 15 Maarso 2022

2- Goluhu waxa uu isla qaatay in Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo la tashanaya madaxweynaha Dowlad-goboleedka Jubaland uu u diro guddi soo qiimeeya xaaladda deegaan doorashada labaad ee Jubaland ee Garbahaarreey, kaas oo ka kooban Xafiiska Ra’iisul Wasaaraha iyo Guddiyada doorashooyinka, si uu uga soo talo bixiyo habka ugu suuro galsan ee doorashadaasi ku qabsoomi karto.

3- Goluhu waxa uu xoojiyay muhiimadda ay leedahay ilaalinta qoondada haweenka ee 30%.

4- Goluhu waxa uu waalaac iyo qeylo dhaan ka muujiyay xaaladda ka sii dareysa ee abaarta dalka ka taagan, waxa uuna Shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo beesha caalamka ka codsaday in la kordhiyo gurmadka loo fidinayo dadka Soomaaliyeed ee abaartu saameysay.

5- Goluhu waxa uu Shacabka Soomaaliyeed uga mahadcelinayaa dulqaadka iyo sida uu u garab istaagay qabsoomidda doorashada.

6- Golaha Wadatashiga Qaranku waxa uu bogaadinayaa doorka iyo tageerada Beesha Caalamka oo lagama maarmaan u ah dhameystirka doorashada dalka.

A committee led by FEIT & Rooble alongside Madoobe deciding on Gedo seats who would have expected this to happen. :mjlaugh:


Beesha lixaad are bluffing with their sanctions.
Another useless extension, farmajo might actually get his two year extension and the useless PM is going to give it to him indirectly.
Badbado qaran should not have listen to rooble .
@TekNiKo it’s time to pledge loyalty to your Supreme Leader Sayid Axmed Maxamed Islam. What happened to your tone? You used to have his photo as your User profile picture back in 2019. I still believe you can change from your little Basement in Canada 🇨🇦



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Madoobe cant step foot in Gedo how will he conduct Gedo seats? He needs to give up on Gedo and focus on the remaining seats in Kismayu thats his limited jurisdictions. Let Somalia burn before that Kikiyu coon manages Gedo
An occupied village less than 300 residents from the same subclan can not hold the rest of Somalia back from progressing. @Kheyre

Xal Raadinta Tuulada Garbahareey iyo wadada loo maro Mareeynta Doorashooyinka waxaa ka Masuul Ah Maamul Goboleedka Jubbaland oo hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe!


Veni Vidi Vici
It’s still gonna happen regardless of extension
Its a bluff, no sanctions would be slapped, or Farmajo, Kheyre and so many other folks would have got their dollars sanctioned long time ago.

And anyways, its Rooble whose doing the so called extension now, is he gonna get the slap of the sanctions?
Madoobe cant step foot in Gedo how will he conduct Gedo seats? He needs to give up on Gedo and focus on the remaining seats in Kismayu thats his limited jurisdictions. Let Somalia burn before that Kikiyu coon manages Gedo
I thought you were wAdaNi
An occupied village less than 300 residents from the same subclan can not hold the rest of Somalia back from progressing. @Kheyre

Xal Raadinta Tuulada Garbahareey iyo wadada loo maro Mareeynta Doorashooyinka waxaa ka Masuul Ah Maamul Goboleedka Jubbaland oo hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe!

Aad Iyo Aad sxb


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Gedo spokesman Ali Juba has spoken, we will not accept Madoobe or moving seats, the corrupt Rooble will never get our approval unless he removes Madoobe from the equation.

Gedo spokesman Ali Juba has spoken, we will not accept Madoobe or moving seats, the corrupt Rooble will never get our approval unless he removes Madoobe from the equation.

Ali Juba & his counterpart Warlord Canjeex are busy taking photos of Hayat Shopping Mall in Mogadishu built by its people. The 2 criminals are eating the Haaraam Tax Money they stole from the Poor Gedo residents who have no water to drink.




“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Ali Juba & his counterpart Warlord Canjeex are busy taking photos of Hayat Shopping Mall in Mogadishu built by its people. The 2 criminals are eating the Haaraam Tax Money they stole from the Poor Gedo residents who have no water to drink.

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Have you no shame? Madoobe donated 35k too Gedo during 2016 famine when Gedo was under him. Talk about calling the kettle black!
Have you no shame? Madoobe donated 35k too Gedo during 2016 famine when Gedo was under him. Talk about calling the kettle black!

Seems like Madoobe have donated & done more for Gedo than that criminal dictator Farmaajo. The only thing he brought the region was Bullets & conflict. Bullets won’t feed the starving children & mothers, but it will surely kill an innocent person.
Gedo spokesman Ali Juba has spoken, we will not accept Madoobe or moving seats, the corrupt Rooble will never get our approval unless he removes Madoobe from the equation.

Get behind your president Ahmed Islam. Farmajo needs to stop being a spoiler and delaying the elections. We need to move forward and get access to that sweet imf cheap loans