BREAKING NEWS Explosions rock Beledweyne killing 48 people including MP Amino Mohamed

AUN for the victims. Bear in mind pointing the finger at Farmaajo is just an opportunity to destroy the fg from within. Now alshabab terrorists have found a wedge that they can keep hitting until there's a breaking point. No doubt in my mind they'll be killing more opposition politicans from this point on.
AUN for the victims. Bear in mind pointing the finger at Farmaajo is just an opportunity to destroy the fg from within. Now alshabab terrorists have found a wedge that they can keep hitting until there's a breaking point. No doubt in my mind they'll be killing more opposition politicans from this point on.
That’s all they been killing is just the opposition never Farmaajos people. Don’t you find that odd? And what about when Farmaajo used regular security forces to murder the beledweyne police commissioner ? He’s clearly not above murder now it has to be investigated what links he may have forged with AS to use as murder for hire
That’s all they been killing is just the opposition never Farmaajos people. Don’t you find that odd? And what about when Farmaajo used regular security forces to murder the beledweyne police commissioner ? He’s clearly not above murder now it has to be investigated what links he may have forged with AS to use as murder for hire
The thing is this is all speculation, there's no proof that he's responsible for terrorist attacks. I'd be the first to call for his head if there was solid evidence that he's the one orchestrating these terrorist attacks.
The thing is this is all speculation, there's no proof that he's responsible for terrorist attacks. I'd be the first to call for his head if there was solid evidence that he's the one orchestrating these terrorist attacks.
The solid evidence is the fact it’s all opposition members. Shouldn’t AS be attacking ruling party members too?. Also you are conveniently ignoring the time Farmaajo deployed normal security forces to murder the police commissioner of beledwyene. The facts are all around you are just choosing to Ignore it
The solid evidence is the fact it’s all opposition members. Shouldn’t AS be attacking ruling party members too?. Also you are conveniently ignoring the time Farmaajo deployed normal security forces to murder the police commissioner of beledwyene. The facts are all around you are just choosing to Ignore it
That its all opp members isnt solid evidence, it's more likely that alshabab is intentionally committing these acts to make you think the gov is involved.
Regarding the police commissioner that was killed, he was never intended to be murdered but clearly died in a crossfire between militia, not sure why your trying to present as if it was a hit job/terrorist attack.
That its all opp members isnt solid evidence, it's more likely that alshabab is intentionally committing these acts to make you think the gov is involved.
Regarding the police commissioner that was killed, he was never intended to be murdered but clearly died in a crossfire between militia, not sure why your trying to present as if it was a hit job/terrorist attack.

You were there to witness the cross fire of terrorists gorgor vs a militia in the police commissioner office?
Who were the militia present In the commissioner office ?



the sad fact is this soul lost is of little importance to the opposition, what matters to them is the vote they believe they will lose, its so sad, she was beautiful woman too.
A fight broke out in the police station between haramcad and the police due to a "misunderstanding" amid police detaining people. Sounds very much like a crossfire to me. :mjlol:
So you werent there to witness it ? You were talking like you were there to witness a cross fire .
The foriegn trained militia Haramcad/gorgor came all the way from Mogadishu and gotten to a fight with the police in beledweyne resulting in the death of the police commissioner,
Nice try to sugar coat the facts.
Fact is the police commissioner would have been alive today if farmajo hadn't send his foreign trained foreign paid militia to try to rigg the (s)elections in beledweyne .

You've on purposely called the beledweyne police officers a militia on your other post btw. :mjlol:
So you werent there to witness it ? You were talking like you were there to witness a cross fire .
The foriegn trained militia Haramcad/gorgor came all the way from Mogadishu and gotten to a fight with the police in beledweyne resulting in the death of the police commissioner,
Nice try to sugar coat the facts.
Fact is the police commissioner would have been alive today if farmajo hadn't send his foreign trained foreign paid militia to try to rigg the (s)elections in beledweyne .

You've on purposely called the beledweyne police officers a militia on your other post btw.
Mate, the burden of proof aint on me but the guys saying farmaajo orchestrated a hit job and even equating that with this terrorist attack. Do you have evidence it was?
That its all opp members isnt solid evidence, it's more likely that alshabab is intentionally committing these acts to make you think the gov is involved.
Regarding the police commissioner that was killed, he was never intended to be murdered but clearly died in a crossfire between militia, not sure why your trying to present as if it was a hit job/terrorist attack.
The fact it’s all opposition members is 1000% proof. You think AS wouldn’t kill ruling party members? In what fucking world ? They have in the past.
Crossfire between militia lol he was attacked by the security forces Farmaajo sent and killed. And the investigation was blocked. You’re such an obvious N&N shill it’s not even funny. Listen buddy your propaganda doesn’t work on us


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
The fact it’s all opposition members is 1000% proof. You think AS wouldn’t kill ruling party members? In what fucking world ? They have in the past.
Crossfire between militia lol he was attacked by the security forces Farmaajo sent and killed. And the investigation was blocked. You’re such an obvious N&N shill it’s not even funny. Listen buddy your propaganda doesn’t work on us
That commander was killed due to Aano qabiil nothing to do with Farmaajo
AUN, she was a titan who will always be remembered. This one hurts!

Fahad Yaasiin and Sharmaajo need to be investigated, I wonder how many more people are on their hitlist. By now all Somalis should know "AlShabab" is a group of killers for hire and right now they work for N&N.
It is adding up
Mate, the burden of proof aint on me but the guys saying farmaajo orchestrated a hit job and even equating that with this terrorist attack. Do you have evidence it was?

You tried to defend the foreing trained trained militia of haramcad/gorgor murder on beledweyne police commissioner but failed now you trying to defend the indefensible terrorists government of farmajo lol

The fact that we have ex al Shabaab commanders in nisa and head of banadir security farxan qaroole is enough . The fact al Shabaab members support farmajo government is enough evidence

The fact that Qatar financially supports both federal government of Somalia and al Shabaab is also clear evidence , we will not forget how Qatar used terrorists to further their political goals in bosaso port

We also know the reason why they wanted her gone .

Here is the late honourable aminah mohamed AUN last post on twitter

You sickos will defend al Shabaab and your messiah Farmajo even if they murdered someone right in front of you .