
๐Ÿ“outer space
I am so confused with Wahabbism. I have some questions

is it also called salafism?
Do you support the idea?
What is its beliefs?
Overall do you think it is a good ideology?


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during the 1800s a man called Muhammed Abdul Wahab in the Arabian peninsula (Najd) start the revival of Salafism after the Sufism took the Islamic Sunni world and he met and Saudi emir and forged an alliance which the former takes the religious matter and the latter takes the political matter their grandchildren are now the rulers and Saudi Arabia and most if not all Arabian peninsula adopted Wahabism and its start to spread to the rest of the Islamic world.

greyhound stone

The Boss๐Ÿ’Ž
during the 1800s a man called Muhammed Abdul Wahab in the Arabian peninsula (Najd) start the revival of Salafism after the Sufism took the Islamic Sunni world and he met and Saudi emir and forged an alliance which the former takes the religious matter and the latter takes the political matter their grandchildren are now the rulers and Saudi Arabia and most if not all Arabian peninsula adopted Wahabism and its start to spread to the rest of the Islamic world.
So is it the strict brand of islam that saudi arabis follow like women not being able to drive


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So is it the strict brand of islam that saudi arabis follow like women not being able to drive
The Wahabism belief is that Islamic practice and cores must be from Quran and sunnah and anything else is bid'ah.


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So is it the strict brand of islam that saudi arabis follow like women not being able to drive
I respect both (Wahabism and Sufism) and hope that both groups meet and have a healthy debate rather than killing each other.


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@Tawrad From what you said can you tell me if you think Wahabbism is overall better than others
Sufis maybe have a good goal but their practics have no proof in Quran and sunnah.

for example, when Sufis say Allah Allah or they dance

did the prophet and his companion did these things? of course no, so these practics has no basis in Islam (Quran and sunnah)

that why I see that Wahabism is the best sect to join.

of course, every group has its extremists but generally, I personally think Wahabism is better for the Islamic world.

