''Ex-Banker'' vindicates crackpot theories held by inquisitive

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I have worked almost a decade with these people, every single one of them is a occultist/satanist, I was told point blank by one trader that part of the satanist enrolment programs is taping them in these grotesque murderous/humiliating rituals as per membership, hence why majority are scared to speak out because they have dirt on them.

When I asked him why he did it, he said to "break through the ceiling", this is common knowledge and even the scientists go through these enrolment program as we saw with the recent human sacrifice conducted at CERN which was caught on tape with the person that filmed it being murdered and the fake news media spinning it as a "mock sacrifice"

Ask yourself why would scientist at a highly guarded facility conduct a human sacrifice? the place were they are supposedly searching for the 'God' particle to recreate the supposed big bang ? the people whom supposedly profess atheism and teach all the pseudo science?

In contemporary times Wikileaks did the biggest expose of all the current elitists/presidents many of them professed 'atheists' in public, but calling upon Satan in private, from Copernicus to Darwin including even his father were all Freemason members that practised occultism.

It's not too late yet for you guys that have been duped by these people to back towards your Lord, it includes you @Asma
Source wikileaks email implicating the entire democratic party in satanism worship/



Spirit Cooking


Spirit cooking ingredients besides humans

welcome to the world leadership.
These satanists or servants of the dajjal have full control over the West, near total control over eastern europe and partial control over latin america.
The Vatican was finally taken over in 1963 after hundreds of years of struggle.
The Catholic church put up quite the fight, but right now its upper liadership is satanist.
Partial control Over Russia, but Nationalists like Putin have inflicted stinging defeats on them,
and Ji Jin Ping of China has cleared up a recent infestation of these parasites , in the past 10 years more than 30 multi millionairs , senior party members and even a few billionairs have been arrested and executed in china.
have you ever heard of a billionaire even arrested in the west?

The servants of the dajjal have been working hard for their lord, they have prepared everything for his arrival,
while we muslims run arround like headless chickens, obsess about what a woman is wearing,
welcome to the world leadership.
These satanists or servants of the dajjal have full control over the West, near total control over eastern europe and partial control over latin america.
The Vatican was finally taken over in 1963 after hundreds of years of struggle.
The Catholic church put up quite the fight, but right now its upper liadership is satanist.
Partial control Over Russia, but Nationalists like Putin have inflicted stinging defeats on them,
and Ji Jin Ping of China has cleared up a recent infestation of these parasites , in the past 10 years more than 30 multi millionairs , senior party members and even a few billionairs have been arrested and executed in china.
have you ever heard of a billionaire even arrested in the west?

The servants of the dajjal have been working hard for their lord, they have prepared everything for his arrival,
while we muslims run arround like headless chickens, obsess about what a woman is wearing,

It's good to see that more and more people are waking up to the realities, there is nothing more painful in this world then being deceived and not realising it even after the evidence is poured in continuously.

In the past they said "we will stay on what our forefathers are upon" now it's "we will follow our Europhile leaders only", the humanoid God's of Darwin, Copernicus and Hawkins, you would think the people got smarter but in fact they got a whole lot dumber.

The ancient generation used to execute these satanist/occultists/demonic filth upon sight and upon masses, today they have convinced the people that those people of old were dumb/stupid while they are the enlightened ones that are awake.

Yet these same pseudo elitists continue to bow down to satan at night and offer their grotesque blood sacrifices exposed time after time again like that human sacrifice offered at CERN by all those pseudo scientists, same shit different era.
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