Evil forces are behind the recent rise in rape cases


The aim is to shock the public into forcing through the Jinsi Law in parliament. Xalane is behind it.

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Xildhibaan sheegay in dano siyaasadeed laga leeyahay kufsiga iyo dilalka dalka
Asad Cabdullahi Mataan
By Asad Cabdullahi Mataan

September 16, 2020
in Warar

Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Xildhibaan Nuur Siidow Baaba, oo ka tirsan Golaha Shacabka ee baarlamanka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in kooxo abaabulan oo leh dano siyaasadeed ay ka dambeeyaan kufsiga iyo dilalka ka dhaco dalka.
Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay inuu xariir wanaagsan ka dhaxeeyo dadka u doodayo in la meel mariyo sharciga Jinsiga oo ka hor imaanayo diinta iyo dastuurka dalka iyo kufsiga Soomaaliya ka dhaca, sida uu hadalka u dhigay.

“Waa la abaabulaa kufsiga waxaa lagu bixiyaa lacag, xataa dadka dambiyada gala in aan la xukumin darteed lacag ayaa lagu bixiyaa waana in lala xisaabtamaa dadka ka dambeeyo,” ayuu yiri Xildhibaan Nuur Siidow oo la hadlay warbaahinta gudaha dalka.
“Markii uu qof kufsi gaysto waxaa daba joogo kooxo aan la aqoonin oo lacag haysto kuna dadaalaya in aan la xukumin soo kuu cadeen meyso in lacag lagu bixiyo” ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay Xildhibaan Baaba.

Xildhibaanka ayaa sidoo kale qaba in lacag ay hay’ado shisheeye ku bixiyaan kufsiga si loo meel mariyo Sharciga Jinsiga oo si weyn uga hor imaanayo kaas oo ay si kulul uga hadleen guddoonka Golaha Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.
Ma jirto wax caddeyn ah oo taageeraya hadalka xildhibaan Nuur Siidow Baaba oo muujinaya in kufsiga ay ka dambeeyaan kooxo abaabulan.


Anyone who is aware of the globalist agenda knows these tactics. It's all part of spreading fasaad whilst we are entertained with Dhuusamareeb 2 and fake elections.
The aim is to shock the public into forcing through the Jinsi Law in parliament. Xalane is behind it.

don't the girls have male relatives? this is the one time you should kill someone and Allah wouldn't hold you for it. every rapist should be shot.


Make Hobyo Great Again
Why are people surprised about rampant rape in the same city where grannies and infants were raped on the same prayer matt in masjids not that long ago? The only difference now is an increase in reporting due to politicization.

There was no outcry when these took place:
9-year old gang raped in Hirshabelle
Kaltumo descried to Radio Ergo’s local reporter how she left home looking for work one morning in January and met a man in the suburbs of Mogadishu, who told her that he was looking for someone to wash his clothes at his house.

She accepted the job offer and went with the man to his home, where he raped her. Kaltumo was pregnant at the time.

“I got into his car to drive to his house but instead of going there he drove towards the bush and then stopped and told me he wanted me, he didn’t want his clothes washed,” said Kaltumo.

She struggled and pleaded with the man to no effect. “He told me to keep quiet and he did what he wanted,” she said.

Two months later, when she was eight months into her pregnancy, she was raped again in Odweyne neighbourhood whilst looking for work.

“A man opened the door and told me he wanted someone to wash his clothes. He told me to come in to negotiate with him over the price, but when I went in he closed the door behind me and told me he wanted me. I tried to resist but he raped me,” Kaltumo said.


Make Hobyo Great Again
12-year old girl raped in Burco
7-month old baby stabbed to death in Hargeisa
I could go on and on. The point is that degeneracy and evil is rampant in Somalia. Blaming cadaan NGOs and other countries won't change that. Instead of sweeping it under the rug, Somalis must recognize the evil and injustice that they help perpetuate. It is safer to be a woman in a gaal country like New Zealand than it is to be a woman in Somalia, which is a Muslim country. Just think about how ridiculous that is.
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