Everything is bigger in America, even masjids

LOL, should have said you’re from Somaliland kkk
Taking note of this for next time.
Taking Notes GIF by One Chicago

My local masjids is literally the size of 2 classrooms :mjcry: we cannot compete with Murica. This is not even the 1st masjid like it, there is plenty of others. American muslims are wealthy and they are spending their money well.

In Europe, building a masjid of this size would be upwards of 10 million. There is no space or lacag to do it. Also gaalada here would stop the building process right on its tracks.

I need to experience America once in my life, that country doesn’t feel real to me.

You should check out this series on youtube. Most of the biggest ones are in Texas i have noticed. I think it's because in America it's easier get land rights to big plots and capital investments, there are not as many bureaucratic barriers

Its the cheap land in the suburbs, its where you'll see those churches that look like stadiums. Texas living is what you get when you have a lot of land and the money/industry to boot.
