Every lander should be against the port deal and protest against the deal

Ximan iyo Xadeed

Is scary to even comprehend their plan but sadly a lot don't see what we are about to face if we don't protest against it and side with Somalia for the mean time. Literally the port going through means "Ethiopian" aka Oromo military being in our land for 50 years easily inviting a wave of Oromos who will assimilate into our clan rewrite history and easily annex Somaliland by saying I belong in this clan.
Hopefully its just chest beating on SL part, I don't want to see Oromo fkd about Somali coast wouldn't wish this on anyone


Somalilanders need to let go of secessionism because it opens up for enemies to exploit our weaknesses, which often is the result of qabyalaad. We share the same language, religion, culture, and ethnic group. We are much more homogenous compared to Ethiopia. It should be much easier for Somalis to be one country compared to Ethiopia, where there are over 80 different ethnic groups with different religions, culture and languages. If Ethiopia can remain a single country despite those challenges, and we can't even achieve that while being a single ethnic group, then that's a problem.


I feel like some individuals from Landers prioritize seeing Somalia suffer over their land and history. They seem willing to sacrifice their land to harm Somalia. Initially, I thought they wanted to establish their own country, but now it seems like they only want to see Somalia suffer.

Could this be caused by what happened with ssc khaatumo?
Only a small minority of Isaaqs, Muse Bihi Abdi should be disposed of, his killed of any hope of Somaliland of ever being a country, by selling the future of the coast to Ethiopia.
When will you darood kids stop being obseesed with Somaliland and talk about your own tiny buqland kkkk. Joojiya qeylada caruur Darroordw enjoy your north American exile , and know I send you there 😉 ilma siyad bare
When will you darood kids stop being obseesed with Somaliland and talk about your own tiny buqland kkkk. Joojiya qeylada caruur Darroordw enjoy your north American exile , and know I send you there 😉 ilma siyad bare
she's isaq you brain dead zombie!
You realize if this goes through, pure isaaqs will go from numbering around 5 million to less than a million in a few generations because of assimilations and displacements. You're digging your own grave but you are convinced you are not.
They are rhe biggest threat and must be dealt with immediately. But sadly some.braindead landers don't see their agendas. But Allah won't allow their expansion ideology to happen.
This is what we were trying to protect our brothers up north against.. As a Puntlander I have enough coast and land but I refuse to accept an inch of the Somali coast be given to Ethiopia.. I don't want to see cucked Somalis getting replaced and turned into oppressed occupied people.
Spot on I feel like some of these accounts that are spewing anti somalia rhetoric are Oromos larping as a lander nationalist. But we have qabil system no qabil means your not Somali.
Qabiil is just our family names, but collective our identity, culture and language is Somali.. And I agree some of the most anti Somali and hateful accounts could be enemy agents who are here to cause division and animosity between our people.

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