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Kim can tell Trump first negiotate there no fucks around with their car insurance sxb in this world, try telling someone negiotate that away for a few extra dollars. It won't happen. But it can also because they know the nuke means more to u then these businesses are too them.

They obviously wanted make sure u no concessions while they do their own trade deals. But if push comes to shove sxb, they will do it iyagu the EU and US and negiotate trade deal, then break it later on next admin or whatever, how it's held would be a give-away for Kim. In all honesty though if he can get them to drag out the talks, he is got time. Iran mess is there. Kim really needs to get rid of the team to make it look real in another allied coutnries of their, preferrably a namer but not the guns u have the faces and titles but the no returners. He can use that as aggression and non genuine trump and trump aint trusted the public will buy it. Especially the liberals.

He is gonna have to sacrifice one of the team, throwing a few cigarettes as a gesture dont mean nothing. It's like you giving me french fries when I want your burger.


But trump was right everyone is negioable bar a few in mid-east but the rest of the world is look how they adapted to other cultures, religions, the whole world. They have longevity advantages, the mid-east jews and arabs its go big or go home thats why the prophet said to them you will rise and then fall, it's so easy to see once u inject other values in there they crumble and it's gonna be hard. Its a big fall or big rise iyagu.

They all had something to say even in history that's why it's important to listen and not take it literal but from their perspective in the 7th century, put yourself there. He knew he had to bind them above tribe as tribe wont be shared values, GOD worked. It's strongest value till today, it depends where it's used though that counts. U don't have that sort of run with an idea that persists. It's true when the options run out, you say your last prayers regardless who u r.

It's not just the right wing dont listen to them waxasi waa games except some(depends u gotta check yourself for markers) but the left wing had some wise ppl also. Look at gandhi sxb f*ck sakes, thats results and not much lost on his end, then mandela n mlk copied seeing the same markers 'westerners' makes them confused when ur being peaceful, they fight among themselves.

I honestly abadoned idealogy a while ago, they all have something to say and some do work. Thats why we need ideas its not short supply, makers and manufacturer aint, traders aint, service delivery ppl aint. The gold mine is in ideas and we need to find them OFF PLANTATION, TOUGH SITUATIONS BRINGS OUT BRILLIANCE.

Look wat gandhi did and yes he was the ARCHITECT, the rest were followers. He took a simple idea, assessed the weakness of london at the time, went home linked it to hinduism and his version of it to support his idealogy and he began the march. Faisal bin saud was right sxb when he spoke to americans, they can go back to the desert, their values is strong as f*ck and not tradeable.

Their hard to change bro. Its big hits iyagu and big falls they can handle both sides, its when their in the middle and get values injected conflicting they fight like mad. Even africans wont fight that long 20 years max and they like lets just fuckin end this, they negiotate it away cause it aint that important to them. Their negioable at all times look how isaaq crying about we dont want war, earthly identities dont matter when a gun is on your head now.

At the end of the day u put a gun to anyone head in the world and its a war, he will trade, he will negiotate the middle easterner wont, their key marker there. We can eventually take by force who we want if it's a return that's worth it. Give the leader guns let him know u will eaten alive if we leave. Do this and that, and deliver. Target each mind harvesting area. Where-as the middle eastern guy will fight back, pride, honor, ALLAH, YAHWEH, Jewishness. Thats why conquerers had a hard time with them.

Thats a way later stage though at alliance stage. Now its MB though style after 50 years thats phase 1. Gett the place ready for plantation workers. But it will get to a stage eventually with a gun to your head while u doing wats needs to be done, t here is 8 billion ppl out there and some ppl dont see that anymore. We just need to adjust though and keep programs alive in case we go back to nothing which is hard cause their will be cushions a long the way as they adapt lol it aint a big fall to the ground.

When u read history on empires when it fell, the ppl couldnt adjust anymore, comfort. That must be eliminated so god part is critical lifeline and shouldnt ever be eliminated as it gives hope to get up, u may not get an answer but ur getting up.

We gotta take into consideration your descendants could be anywhere, u may reincarnate(not saying its factual but anything is possible) karma is a if u do somethin and u return into the place u probably did.
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I honestly dont believe there is just 1 thing or watever to life, everything scalable from zero to down zero to up, sizes, shapes, u see it all round there is static things. We may be just one form of one never ending thing. Look at a house u call it one house but breaks down into multiples, that could be u too and reliigous understanding. Zero goes down it can be hell, zero breaks even u could be back, or its zero to up is heaven and god knows what that is.

Why u think ppl fear death, NOONE KNOWS. Anything is possible. Just cause something cant be proven dont mean shit. U cant smell dog scent the way he can, does it mean it dont exist, i bet u previous human who never knew why, thought it wasnt true.

The truth aint linked to ur understanding bro, anything possible. It's like those wiki leaks how u know what the purpose is, just cause u dont understand doesnt mean it didnt have a purpose. CIA could intentionally leak stuff out, get others thinking it was a leak and secrets. Anything possible in the world, nothing is linked to if u understand it or not because u may not understand but its always possible

But if u see dead bodies thats REAL. I dont think the world will agree or create some 1% society ITS TO LARGE and it will bound to leak somewhere and there is just too much out there for yourself, human nature sxb u can only agree on shared things like lets not destroy the world, climate change, mutual things. But I do thing something happened a while ago to set up the order not now but a long time ago. I have always a feeling it was Isaac Newton
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