Ethiopian Jews die on a disproportionately high numbers in Gaza

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
Yeah I thought this was common knowledge. It ain't the White European Yahuudis who's risking their lives it's the marginalised Black and Brown ones that's gonna be cannon fodder.

If you ain't one of them White Yahuudis in Israel you're basically a second class citizen
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"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
Imagine dying in a war for a country that you have no political or historical significance in. Just a couple of body bags for the Israeli army
Apparently the Bibi doesn't like the Middle-eastern and north Africans as well.

There was a mizrahi Israel who recently came out and said he was done with them erasing their Arab/North African heritages. The mizrahi Arabs essentially stopped speaking their languages and discrimination was rife in the early days. Azkhanazism Eastern European became the accepted and dominated culture as they were the most prominent zionists. The black robe clothing stuff is actually from Eastern Europe Jews from Poland etc.

Ethiopians are unable to wash away their non-askhanazim roots by adopting Hebrew or following Asheknazim cultural due to their “kushim” roots.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
just like how russia is doing to their minority, cannon foddlers
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Forza Somalia!
Imagine dying in a war for a country that you have no political or historical significance in. Just a couple of body bags for the Israeli army
As many pointed out in the replies, they are like the black americans in the 1914-1990 dying for a state that discriminate against them.
rusiia only report the ethnic russian, they don't care to report the others
There’s no verifiable evidence of that. While Russia does have minorities such as Chechens that are clearly fighting in Ukraine, the vast majority of its soldiers on the frontlines are white Slavic Russians.


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