Ethiopian guy tells it like it is

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Suldaanka Gobyare
Rooble you are anti Somalia and dont wish for pan-Somalia. You are part of the problem.

Only people like me will bring back dignity for the Somali people


Suldaanka Gobyare
Rooble you are anti Somalia and dont wish for pan-Somalia. You are part of the problem.

Only people like me will bring back dignity for the Somali people

lol That's why I rate you, you always say the most random things.

When did I say I was anti Somalia?

Somalis take Ethiopian insults on Facebook like a bunch of slaves.
lol That's why I rate you, you always say the most random things.

When did I say I was anti Somalia?

Somalis take Ethiopian insults on Facebook like a bunch of slaves.

I've seen you say before you aren't interested in Somaliland rejoining Somalia despite our survival as a people being in serious jeopardy.

I think the neighbourhood/5 tuulo clan autonomous state advocates, the separatists and the NFD/K5 Xabashi/Kikuyu bootyclappers should take a seat. Or even better, executed. They should be executed alongside the Arab bootyclappers like @Kaafiye who wants us to be ruled by Arab sheikhs in Riyadh/Mecca in a mega Salafi state.

You are all enemies of the Somali people.

Queen Carawelo


He needs to stop eating raw meat. We all know what happened in 1977. Don't wake the sleeping lion (Somalia). Somalia is not just Muqdisho, I dare any filthy, smelly xabeshi go to Bari, Nugaal, Mudug, Sanaag and see what happens. They're literally the most illiterate people I've ever seen with their ugly accent. They claim they were in the west for 30,20 years and have the thickest accent and can't comprehend a sentence.


Citizen of Southwest State
He spoke the truth iga walle iyo bille. Kenya will indirectly control Jubbaland by way of Jubbaland admin. proxy while Uganda controls its protectorate (Ugandisho) and Ethiopia controls the rest of the former Somali Republic.
Don't mind at all. I'd much rather be a regional state with autonomy under the rule of the civilized Ethiopians which are really the Tigre and distant cousins of mine, than some savage hutus who can't even govern an ant farm competently. They are at least a compromising people who will give you autonomy and can respect our nation-building aspirations. Viva Ethiopia!
I think the neighbourhood/5 tuulo clan autonomous state advocates, the separatists and the NFD/K5 Xabashi/Kikuyu bootyclappers should take a seat. Or even better, executed. They should be executed alongside the Arab bootyclappers like @Kaafiye who wants us to be ruled by Arab sheikhs in Riyadh/Mecca in a mega Salafi state.

AbdiEey, is this manifestation of the so-called western values you cherish so much? That you call for the genocide of people who don't agree with your fantasy politics that are built on nothing more than modern kumbaya mythologies that have and will continue to be discredited? Mythologies such as the existence of the "Somali" ethnicity. Regardless of what you want, the overwhelming majority of the people in the Somali peninsula want federalism and tribal states. They want to secede from the failed republic and build a strong and independent nation among their own people. Do you have a problem with giving the people what they want? Isn't giving the people what they want politically one of the hallmarks of the western values you hold so sacred? Or do you believe in democracy only when it is your view that is the status quo?
AbdiEey, is this manifestation of the so-called western values you cherish so much? That you call for the genocide of people who don't agree with your fantasy politics that are built on nothing more than modern kumbaya mythologies that have and will continue to be discredited? Mythologies such as the existence of the "Somali" ethnicity. Regardless of what you want, the overwhelming majority of the people in the Somali peninsula want federalism and tribal states. They want to secede from the failed republic and build a strong and independent nation among their own people. Do you have a problem with giving the people what they want? Isn't giving the people what they want politically one of the hallmarks of the western values you hold so sacred? Or do you believe in democracy only when it is your view that is the status quo?

do they want that, or are they being forced by retarded politicians.
Go eat your raw meat you traitor

Do you have any idea what that word means? Just who am I betraying for you to call me a turncoat? I'd love to hear your justification for this one.

You are the worst kind of hypocrite, AbdiEey. You want to shove down your decadent, latent homosexuality down everyone's throats and for people to completely tolerate it, yet you call for the eradication of anyone who merely has different political beliefs and believes in the self-determination of their own people. Yet people around here have the audacity to call me the troll.
Anyone who seeks to undermine and completely destroy their ethnic group deserves to be shot.

I can't force homosexuality on anyone just like I can't force people to be left-handed or a ginger.
Anyone who seeks to undermine and completely destroy their ethnic group deserves to be shot.
What if such people don't believe in the existence of that ethnic group? What if they believe their true ethnic group is a subset of the apparent ethnic group and have good reason to believe as such?

I can't force homosexuality on anyone just like I can't force people to be left-handed or a ginger.

Nice strawman. Firstly, do you not refer to all Somalis who do not share your "progressive" values as primitive and backwards? Do you not wish for the deportation of such people back to the "third world"? Here's the rub: Despite your clear angst against the intolerance of socially conservative Somalis and strong beliefs in western values that promote tolerance, diversity in thought, and freedom to believe and promote any ideology, you instead call for the genocide of all those who do not agree with your particular view. Tell me Abdi Gaal, how would your western masters react to such progressive ideas?
We was 40 miles away from addis before soviets threatend us. In my opinion ethiopia has always had an unfair advantage. Even 2 3 hundred years ago they would get help from the portugese, this was the time we made them eat raw meat. But today we dont stand a fighting chance

He needs to stop eating raw meat. We all know what happened in 1977. Don't wake the sleeping lion (Somalia). Somalia is not just Muqdisho, I dare any filthy, smelly xabeshi go to Bari, Nugaal, Mudug, Sanaag and see what happens. They're literally the most illiterate people I've ever seen with their ugly accent. They claim they were in the west for 30,20 years and have the thickest accent and can't comprehend a sentence.

LOL a you sure? wasnt president gaas the one that went to addis and said onlf is also our enemies? The only reason why Ethiopia is not in PL and SL is because we dont rebel and accept everything Ethiopia says. You really think PL and SL is keeping Ethiopia at bay because of strength:dwill:
Guys come down you dont need to go bonkers about him. Just look at the flag it has a lion of judae thats the symbol of Haile Sellasie. He is Amhara a very useless Ethnic group in Ethiopia. The flag he carries rep Haile Selassie who died of starvation.

So just tell him he is insignificant in todays Ethiopia. Because Amharas have been kicked out of every vital position within the Ethiopian govt as well as the military. He lives in the past tell him to crawl back to Menelik and Haile Selassies grave.
They want to secede from the failed republic and build a strong and independent nation among their own people.

Secessionism is the worst strategy for all Somalis. We are collectively small in number and we share borders with two very populous nations. Is your love of being Darod, your desire for a qabiil-pure state, stronger then your desire to see Darod (and incidentally :ulachen001:, all Somalis) be actually relevant (in some distant future) in Africa and the world?

Do you have a problem with giving the people what they want?

Why should the wants of a nation that isn't able to get on its feet be taken seriously? In fact, would it be too far-fetched to argue that wanting separate states is just another symptom of our dysfunction? :sass1:
I've seen you say before you aren't interested in Somaliland rejoining Somalia despite our survival as a people being in serious jeopardy.

I think the neighbourhood/5 tuulo clan autonomous state advocates, the separatists and the NFD/K5 Xabashi/Kikuyu bootyclappers should take a seat. Or even better, executed. They should be executed alongside the Arab bootyclappers like @Kaafiye who wants us to be ruled by Arab sheikhs in Riyadh/Mecca in a mega Salafi state.

You are all enemies of the Somali people.

This topic had nothing to do with Arabs, whom you associate with Islam or Kaafiye so leave them out of it unless the topic is about them next time. Somalinimo is dead you're holding onto a carcass, just bury it. And I am a supporter of a greater Somalia but if reality doesn't agree with it what am I supposed to do? Keep dreaming?
Secessionism is the worst strategy for all Somalis. We are collectively small in number and we share borders with two very populous nations. Is your love of being Darod, your desire for a qabiil-pure state, stronger then your desire to see Darod (and incidentally :ulachen001:, all Somalis) be actually relevant (in some distant future) in Africa and the world

Big government and centralism (Hutu rule) has been an utter disaster for that country. It has failed to produce anything remotely resembling a strong government for the past 24 years. What makes you think the next 10 years of more of the same will change anything? That's the definition of insanity. Contrary to what you're trying to push here, qabil states are working perfectly well and exceeding all expectations. Somaliland and Puntland are two great examples of this. The people enjoy greater amounts of security, freedom, and economic prosperity than they ever did under the past 24 years of inept Hutu central rule. Centralism and Somaliweyn are failed concepts that have been unable to produce a strong government. The only reasonable alternative is the balkanization of the overgrown mass that is Somalia and for everyone to go their own way and pave their own futures. Lastly, numbers aren't everything in this age. Just look at Israel and how it is practically surrounded on all sides yet it eclipses its neighbors in practically everything. The Ethiopians and Kenyans have more things to worry about at home than constantly meddling in the affairs of the very different and diverse peoples located in the Somali peninsula.

Why should the wants of a nation that isn't able to get on its feet be taken seriously? In fact, would it be too far-fetched to argue that wanting separate states is just another symptom of our dysfunction? :sass1:
You would have a point if this was actually the case, but it patently isn't. The vast majority of the people in the country did not want central hutu rule continuously for the past 24 years, it was merely foisted on them by the international community and dire circumstances. There were already a significant minority of the people (SL) who wanted to secede long before the civil war, and that number metastasized to a great majority after the civil war. These autonomous tribal states are doing very well and have been functioning as local governments that provide all of the necessities the people need that the failed central government could never hope to provide. Therefore, I don't think it's unreasonable to conclude that continued central rule from Ugandishu is the only thing that can be described as true dysfunction in the current political climate in a.
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