Ethiopian foreign affairs website once again slipsup

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Seeker of knowledge and truth
Its not a slip up Somaliland sees itself as independent and Puntland sees itself as part of Somalia in name only everybody knows this


Seeker of knowledge and truth
But should ethiopia convey those stances
Why should Ethiopia care more for the unity of Somalia than Somalis themselves as long as we behave like we’re divided and at war with ourselves our enemies will never respect us they will be joyful and proud of our disunity
embarrassing Ethiopia is currently in 2011. (Sorry couldn't resist this one).

But truth to be said it is a amateurish website which they themselves forgot about by the look of it, it is all over the place.

It clearly indicates that Puntland and Somaliland have consulates and a Consul not embassies and an Ambassador.

Why they are separate and written under countries is just a guess nothing to worry about.

It can be fixed swiftly.
They are surveying the response to this aka testing the waters.

Someone should tell them to slow down, they'll only unite Somalis in their aggression,minus the lost clans(yall know who you are).
Why should Ethiopia care more for the unity of Somalia than Somalis themselves as long as we behave like we’re divided and at war with ourselves our enemies will never respect us they will be joyful and proud of our disunity

the chinese 36 military strategy military tale:

Loot a burning house, when the master runs away,


If wars can be started with lies, so can peace.
Even though I'm against centralism, seeing stuff like this boils my blood.
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