Ethiopian fob calls Somalis/Eritreans racist


It’s not that serious
Can someone tell this man what racist means


I thought it was genuine. Next case :camby:


He has a point in that Eritreans and Somalis are hateful towards Ethiopia, but the other way around it is not the case (at least nowhere near as much).


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Glosses over the fact that Somalis live in Ethiopia. :lol: And that Ethiopia colluded with England and colonials during the 1884 Berlin Conference for a landgrab of the Somali Region 5. BLM, kulaha, little man. Take a history lesson.
He isn’t. Unlike Eritrea, Ethiopia till this day interferes in Somalia’s affairs so we Somalis hating that country is justified.
Somalis should unify then. Obviously the Ethiopians would interfere. But nope they'd rather balkanise and let Ethiopia run a train on them.

