ETHIOPIAN ADMIRAL “our navy will patrol the Indian and red seas”

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
complete disrespect

But then again the law of survival of the fittest applies here

Somalia is a little that needs to be taken advantage of.



When you want to fool the world, tell the truth.
What is PIM

PIM = Puntland Indepdence Movement

Its just nonsense, ignore it.

Getting back to the post. I doubt that would happen. Ethiopia is facing increasing debt, and economic growth is uneven in the country. Using the money would be better used to getting off foreign debt and focus on investing in other parts of the country. Right now, most the economic development has concentrated in Tigray, Western and central regions of Oromia and Amhara.

The logical reasoning behind this by Abiye is too push Ethiopia image as a rising power in the region while trying to encourage Ethiopian nationalism. But when you look at the fact the Tigray and Somali regions are gearing up for succession from Ethiopia. Which would contradict the narrative that Ethiopia is rising. Even looking at the economic side, Ethiopia isn't any were near to Somalia, let alone Kenya. Ethiopia's GDP per capita, it's lower than that of Somalia's. Ethiopians only make $932 yearly, compared to Somalia which makes $1,671. So essentially, Somalia almost makes double of that of Ethiopia.

On top that Abiye also put of a statue of the Ethiopian Emperor Haileselassie, which he's incredibly controversial in Ethiopia. Hated by Tigrians, Oromos, Afars and Somalis. Basically, I think Abiye has zero clues in what he's doing
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You expected something here didn't you?!?!?
I hardly doubt that there "navy" will be anything bigger than a few long-range patrol boats armed with some torpedoes. The pirates, back in the day, went up against carrier groups and missile cruisers, are you saying that the habesha getting a few rowing boats is gonna threaten Somali sovereignty?
I hardly doubt that there "navy" will be anything bigger than a few long-range patrol boats armed with some torpedoes. The pirates, back in the day, went up against carrier groups and missile cruisers, are you saying that the habesha getting a few rowing boats is gonna threaten Somali sovereignty?
They shouldn't be there in the first place. Ethiopia can't put its navy in our waters without us letting them. Why do France want this to happen anyway? They already have their own ships in our water.


You expected something here didn't you?!?!?
They shouldn't be there in the first place. Ethiopia can't put its navy in our waters without us letting them. Why do France want this to happen anyway? They already have their own ships in our water.

France has it's own problems to deal with and I don't see the point of them getting involved for any reason what so ever. As for Ethiopia, they never mentioned Somalia as a potential base. If I remeber it was only reer ictaraaf who invited them over over, but officially, they considered Djibouti, Kenya or Eritrea, who,realistically, won't allow them an inch of land


They shouldn't be there in the first place. Ethiopia can't put its navy in our waters without us letting them. Why do France want this to happen anyway? They already have their own ships in our water.

NATO wants to replace their ships with Ethiopia...”Somalia” will effectively be a Ethiopian colony for a long time this was restricted to the southern regions with amisom but now it’ll be the entire “country”, unless the shithole breaks apart and the savages holding the capital hostage are allowed to be annexed or bombed to oblivion.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Next is the annexation of Somalia and that is why Ethiopians are flooding the country.

Many are young men no doubt who may even be trained intelligence operatives and soldiers ready to pounce when the time is right.

May Allah curse those who put us in this state.

You just cursed Abdullahi Yusuf:faysalwtf:

Btw stop the calaacal guys.
Ethiopia is maybe better for u kkk
Cuz u 68IQ can only kill each other for clannism:mjlol:


You’ll confuse me a lot, one day u guys take part in destructive clan feuds, anti dowlad, promote regionalism and so on, the next day when news like the above drops, the same people wail about our self inflicted current situation. Please be consistent, support ur country, support ur people, stop looking at everything from clan perspective and be a better person at all times :)
Hope the mooryaans who are holding the country hostage by bombing their own city are proud of themselves.

PIM = Puntland Indepdence Movement

Its just nonsense, ignore it.

Getting back to the post. I doubt that would happen. Ethiopia is facing increasing debt, and economic growth is uneven in the country. Using the money would be better used to getting off foreign debt and focus on investing in other parts of the country. Right now, most the economic development has concentrated in Tigray, Western and central regions of Oromia and Amhara.

The logical reasoning behind this by Abiye is too push Ethiopia image as a rising power in the region while trying to encourage Ethiopian nationalism. But when you look at the fact the Tigray and Somali regions are gearing up for succession from Ethiopia. Which would contradict the narrative that Ethiopia is rising. Even looking at the economic side, Ethiopia isn't any were near to Somalia, let alone Kenya. Ethiopia's GDP per capita, it's lower than that of Somalia's. Ethiopians only make $932 yearly, compared to Somalia which makes $1,671. So essentially, Somalia almost makes double of that of Ethiopia.

On top that Abiye also put of a statue of the Ethiopian Emperor Haileselassie, which he's incredibly controversial in Ethiopia. Hated by Tigrians, Oromos, Afars and Somalis. Basically, I think Abiye has zero clues in what he's doing

Mind your own business. Nonsense kulaha.
watching a female acadmeic in the isntiute of international strategic studies, ethiopia only has 300 doctors, for a popultion of 100-110 million

one telephone provider, somalia has 6,

the habashi cannot even afford much with out aide, the US gives them billions each year

kenya has more wealth, airpower and military strenth in terms of mechanisation , not just infratntry,

give me a chance to becoem presdeint of jubaland and i could build up the economy and with in 12 years i can crash ethiopia,

global fire power says they have ancient soviet world war 2 era tanks, only 80 planes, Migs, SU from the 50s, 60s, 50-40 years old,

700 artillry pieces, the average battles in WW2 had 13,000 artillery

i am Ogaden, i know vry much about my natural number 1 enemy, i study and read about them,

if we had just the 1 billion the yankis gave them last year i can crash them with 40,000 caghdeer lads, and this time the soviet or cubans will not come to kick us out,

the ahmaar, tigra and oromo by nature are fearful of somalis, we are more willing to die, we dont care about death, tactically we are germans, they are french, but they beat us in grand strategy, meaning they always involve world powers to supply and help them,

we can crush them in operations, tactics, but we never ever get world powers help, well not since ahmed gurey called the ottomans after lelebale called the portugues and the pope in roman for help,

once they tried to kill the ONLF leader sheekih cabdullahi in 1999, tigra had 200 man, ONLF had 100 man, Ogadens agreed rather than the leader be captured, we must lay down our lives for our leader, we killed 149 tigra and they killed 43 Ogadens,

Ogadens when they have the weapons are superior at war to the habashi and the hababashi knows this,

the leader lived, 43 of our sons died and zenawi said my god, these caghdeer are beasts when it comes to fights, he waas impressed, he thought we are like other somalis

they have 700 artillery pieces, i can manufacture 50,000 artillery pieces howitzers with a stable jubaland gov that focus on arming and making our on wepaons,

ww2 era blue prints are easy to get and 1960/70s weapons, this is ethiopia, they have old equipment, 805 of the time, the odd f14 here and there donated in the 80s,

i would bribe turks to give S400 anti air missiles and batteries, and pound them to dusty,

when an |Ogaden child is born he hears the shahada and then how to kill the habashi, second.

shekh cabdullahi died peacefully as 43 lads laid down their lives rather then he be captured,

just the way many man died for general macarthur to escape from mainal in ww2 as the japenese invaded,

this is why ahmed is in power, 5,000 lads died for him,if majerteen were willing to die for uncle yusuf they would have ruled xamar by now, not relied on habashi who will leave, he needed Mj lads willing to die for him, but they werent willing to pay the price, power is expensive,
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Make Hobyo Great Again
You’ll confuse me a lot, one day u guys take part in destructive clan feuds, anti dowlad, promote regionalism and so on, the next day when news like the above drops, the same people wail about our self inflicted current situation. Please be consistent, support ur country, support ur people, stop looking at everything from clan perspective and be a better person at all times :)
How can you twist this story to blame the federal member states? This is 100% the FGS's fault and no one else.

Just because your SWS President Lafta Madow is in Farmajo's pocket doesn't mean the rest of us have to be.
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