Ethiopia-Somalia War 1977/78

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Ogaden War was conflict which Somalia could win but Barre was betrayed by Soviet Union and Somali army was forced to leave Somali Region.

The outcome of the war changed the history of Somalia ,after this war Somali army was incapable to recover Ogaden.
are you luis.
The biggest mistake somalia made was go to War with Ethiopia with out far sighted calculations,hope we dont repeat until it is existentially threatening.
There are few somali sources which tell us the somali point of view about Ogaden War. The somali archives were destroyed by the rebels in 1991.

Mohamed Farah Aidid and Abdullahi Ahmed Yusuf wrote abooks about their experiences in the war.


Gaalo intervention. Without East, West and even Cuba helping those animals, Somalis would be united today. There's nothing more to know and even Gaalo will tell you the same.
The whole Ogaden war was Qabiil motivated. Somalia had no reason to go into war with Ethiopia over Ogadenia. We could have entered into negotiations with Ethiopia and won that area some kinda self rule and autonomy.

Siyaad Bare attacked Ethiopia because Ogadenia was Daroods. He would never had done it if it was other Qabiils.

And now Somalia is the way its because of him....Siyaad Bare who was Daroods.

Daroods have ruined Somalia.


The whole Ogaden war was Qabiil motivated. Somalia had no reason to go into war with Ethiopia over Ogadenia. We could have entered into negotiations with Ethiopia and won that area some kinda self rule and autonomy.

Siyaad Bare attacked Ethiopia because Ogadenia was Daroods. He would never had done it if it was other Qabiils.

And now Somalia is the way its because of him....Siyaad Bare who was Daroods.

Daroods have ruined Somalia.

Begged the Ethiopian dictatorship for anything? They were cutting the genitals off little boys and so many other horrific sadistic abuses. It was imperative to invade. You're a sick twisted qabiil obsessed weirdo so of course you don't feel empathy for oppressed people unless they're your clan.
Wait, they were doing what to little boys? How come i never heard of it before until now?

The reason MSB went to war with Ethiopia is not because they were mutilating Somalis, but because he wanted to be seen as a liberator and a hero. He was also was doing it out of Qabiilnimo and tol ahaan.

If he cared so much about the 'well beings' of Somalis, than why did he turn around and bombed Waqooyi Galbeed?

Do Qaldaan lives not matter as much as Ogadens?

In retrospect, not only did he fail to liberate Ogadenia, but that western campaign has led to his downfall and destroyed him at the end.

He should have entered into negotiations with the Ethios and the eventual reunification with Somalia.
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