Ethiopia Is Worse Then Somalia


I don't care how the media portrays Ethiopia as the fastest growing economy and all that, the cesspool is fragile as Somali, a small incident can trigger a civil war. Talk about an unreliable government that is living on the edge constantly knowing it can go off at any time.

I am sure I know why @Teeri-Alpha knows Ethiopia waa 'sheeko laysku dawladaynayo' lakin the truth is here and their true identity. It's tribal as hell like Somalia, Ethiopia is just the 'cover' used in the media nothing else.

They have fertile soil and are blocking the river to Somalia, whilst having a large nature region in Ogadenia and hawd. Plus Jeegaanland gave them a share of our coast. I think we should invade :fittytousand:


They have fertile soil and are blocking the river to Somalia, whilst having a large nature region in Ogadenia and hawd. Plus Jeegaanland gave them a share of our coast. I think we should invade :fittytousand:

You missed my point totally. They are clearly not happy together and tribal as hell, why force an ethiopia on such people, let them go their separate ways. It's an unworkable union, they tried it, it just fails to enter the heart of the people, they prefer the ethnic identities more. Balkanize the . Yugoslavia tried to bring serbs, croats, bosnians, kosovo and other ppl together, it didn't work. Way kala tageen, ma ceeb ba? mise is dila ayaa roon kkk
You missed my point totally. They are clearly not happy together and tribal as hell, why force an ethiopia on such people, let them go their separate ways. It's an unworkable union, they tried it, it just fails to enter the heart of the people, they prefer the ethnic identities more. Balkanize the . Yugoslavia tried to bring serbs, croats, bosnians, kosovo and other ppl together, it didn't work. Way kala tageen, ma ceeb ba? mise is dila ayaa roon kkk
The think keeping Ethiopia together is the amxaaro and oromo dilemma. Amxaaro are the slight majority in the capital which hosts 8 million people. The capital is in the middle of oromia. So splitting oromia and Amhara territory is not realistic without huge ethnic cleansing. Also the Christian oromo are against the splitting so this is the base that holds Ethiopian together. The key to destroying Ethiopia is oromo and amxaaro and Addis.


The think keeping Ethiopia together is the amxaaro and oromo dilemma. Amxaaro are the slight majority in the capital which hosts 8 million people. The capital is in the middle of oromia. So splitting oromia and Amhara territory is not realistic without huge ethnic cleansing. Also the Christian oromo are against the splitting so this is the base that holds Ethiopian together. The key to destroying Ethiopia is oromo and amxaaro and Addis.

Oromo is just 'language' nothing more, once u learn it they designate u a loyal oromo and they group their oromo's by district or clan and begin to teach them oromo system. If u ask them to abtirsi meel iskama galan. It's one of those groups who unite on nothingness really.

It's like migrants who used to be anglo saxon who came to england from germany, they exported english and forced the local britons(naked ppl) to learn it, their now all under the 'english banner' and divided up along 'towns, regions, dialects' nothing else. Waa dad qaawaan isku wada yimi OROMO ama dadkooda ka soo cararay oo naf ka radiye oromo keleb ah.

That's why u find some oromo Madow, some somali, some a mix of both. Some muslim, some came with christianity already established fleeing amharo gumaysi. Oromo alla naga gabto, it's open to all. It's nothing like Somali, if u say I am Somali, they ask u immediately 'halkee ka gasha family ahan' even though sometimes they use the 'oromo method 'asking for your 'gobol or degmo' which is something that came due to 'nation state' building. But in Somali, just saying I am Somali doesn't mean much. Saying jus I am Oromo and ur town is all u need and if u came in as 'clans' stating ur clans as they don't touch your pre-history
Oromo is just 'language' nothing more, once u learn it they designate u a loyal oromo and they group their oromo's by district or clan and begin to teach them oromo system. If u ask them to abtirsi meel iskama galan. It's one of those groups who unite on nothingness really.

It's like migrants who used to be anglo saxon who came to england from germany, they exported english and forced the local britons(naked ppl) to learn it, their now all under the 'english banner' and divided up along 'towns, regions, dialects' nothing else. Waa dad qaawaan isku wada yimi OROMO ama dadkooda ka soo cararay oo naf ka radiye oromo keleb ah.

That's why u find some oromo Madow, some somali, some a mix of both. Some muslim, some came with christianity already established fleeing amharo gumaysi. Oromo alla naga gabto, it's open to all. It's nothing like Somali, if u say I am Somali, they ask u immediately 'halkee ka gasha family ahan' even though sometimes they use the 'oromo method 'asking for your 'gobol or degmo' which is something that came due to 'nation state' building. But in Somali, just saying I am Somali doesn't mean much. Saying jus I am Oromo and ur town is all u need and if u came in as 'clans' stating ur clans as they don't touch your pre-history
You can say that about somalis though. We all have different abtirsi. It is our af and generations of inter marriage and religion that unites us.


You can say that about somalis though. We all have different abtirsi. It is our af and generations of inter marriage and religion that unites us.

The fact we 'abtirsi' indicates probably we are similar culture. Even those Oromo who abtirsi bring em back home to Somali. Abtirsi is unique Somali trait in Africa and only common with Jews and Arabs, it's not an Amhara trait nor an Oromo trait. We do have lost Somalis inside Oromo, waa in loo caqli celiya. It's like me in Australia thinking im Aussie speaking english and joining Aussies and then coming to Somalia and attacking my homeland. That's literally what their doing. They only adopted their language and culture and political system. Imagine I came back to Somalia all secularist, atheist, etc like the avg aussie, u will look at me dead in the eyes and say why u following that man somali ba tahay. I am following him because 'wax bana isku fahanay' dhinaca danaheena and it's the same for somalis who became oromized. They literally felt isolated due to Somali.
The fact we 'abtirsi' indicates probably we are similar culture. Even those Oromo who abtirsi bring em back home to Somali. Abtirsi is unique Somali trait, it's not an Amhara trait nor an Oromo trait. We do have lost Somalis inside Oromo, waa in loo caqli celiya. It's like me in Australia thinking im Aussie speaking english and joining Aussies and then coming to Somalia and attacking my homeland. That's literally what their doing. They only adopted their language and culture and political system. Imagine I came back to Somalia all secularist, atheist, etc like the avg aussie, u will look at me dead in the eyes and say why u following that man somali ba tahay.
I agree that everyone east of the awash is Somali. We used to call them Somali abow.


I agree that everyone east of the awash is Somali. We used to call them Somali abow.

There is one defining trait that a Somali keeps.

1. Abtirsi, his parents will teach him that no matter where he is as long as their 'strong somali' some are weakned Somalis(minorities and no abtirsi type clans) they let their kids just blend into other societies those ones tend to get lost and lose any memory of their origin. These are the ones Jews point too as proof your ppl are not special to god or else u would remain strong and firm to your people and land.

2. Circumision. We don't have the same Abrahamic one but the pharonic one. This is unique to Egypt, Ethiopia, Parts of Yemen, and Somalia and even certain Bantu Groups. We circumize both men n women, jews only men. This is an identifier to a jew your close to them but not 'exactly ISRAEL'. I am currently searching Indonesia as female circumision is carried out in some groups and finding out how they learned this if they didn't migrate from Somalia.

3. I haven't found anything else unique about us. Language can be displaced in one generation, our race can also, we don't have special diet like jews to identify somalis. It's just camel n milk, they will change diets where-ever they migrate too hence it can't be used as an identifier. Finally there is time to accept some were lost to other nations even jews know they lost millions of jews thru assimilation, noone is safe from that. not even them, so forget yourself.

4. The other thing I found is Islam isn't unique as they can change religions also Somalis, even jews do. So go to those rendille niyahow in kenya, the pagan got the better of him, he is prolly marehan ancestory, cuz they also oromo in certain areas of ethiopia. Reer diin le. Well not anymore he lost his diin, his a pagan kkkkkk. Marehan is weakest among us bro in Darod to lose clans-men to oromo and pagans lol. Then Dir is the weakest in Irir and Smaller Hawiye clans

5. We don't have certain artifact like a book or scrolls or cross or or something uniqely somali dee. We were not sophisticated thats for sure
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Abgaal is 'recessive' clan it's due to Hamar colonialism and Hamar still a colony now they tend to look up to white people and try to prove themselves not see them as 'your below jews just like me', U will see these niggas in Roma and wallahi it's sad, where-as the crown prince of Roma made a statue for Majerten women. Majerten isn't recessive that's for certain. Ali Saleman were in oman for centuries and know their abtirsi. MJ are strong as f*ck about their origin and clans no matter where they go.

Even if they not Muslim, their still clannist as hell, they may even join islam 'fakely' just so they defend the clan honor. I've yet to see them leave Islam in 'droves' though, maybe one or two here but it's never to christianity, worshipping a man is insulting to MJ, we feel superior to men. Atheist is the only thing a MJ will join nothing else it's either god or no god, but not a 'different god'

Murusade believe it or not are not as recessive at all. They like to brainwash their abti linked sons to help their clan and stuff and keep them isolated from their own clan

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Somalia’s civil war will soon look like a walk in the park compared to Ethiopia’s guaranteed genocide coming up. There’s no other country as set to go off and kill each other in the millions.

That government can’t contain what’s in the making.

On top of that, the ruling government created the most idiotic system ever known to mankind whereby they specifically promoted ethnic stated.

Other nations try to promote patriotism but these idiots thought they have came up with a scientific political solution in 1991. They allowed each ethnicity to smell resemblance of statehood.

