Eritrean news site Tesfanews: My favourite source for news on Ethiopia


Make Hobyo Great Again
Their hate for Ethiopia just oozes through each article.
THE 2014 report by the “IQ and the Wealth of Nations” described Ethiopia as the second “dumbest” country in the world with the lowest IQ.

The average IQ attached to Ethiopia was 63, which is in fact second lowest average IQ from last.

There are demonstrable links between Intelligent quotient (IQ) of countries, investment in education and public access to information. For those who know about the education and information technology policies in Ethiopia, it is not surprising that Ethiopia ranks 2nd from the worst in IQ.

Though it is extremely embarrassing, the findings will have a negative effect on some and conveys a sad message to those bright, struggling and hard working Ethiopians.
1. Equatorial Guinea: 59
2. Ethiopia: 63
3. Sierra Leone: 64
4. Democratic Republic of the Congo: 65
5. Zimbabwe: 66
6. Guinea: 66
7. Nigeria: 67
8. Ghana: 71
9. Tanzania: 72
10. Sudan: 72
Notice something missing between Nigeria and Ghana? They had the courtesy to delete 68 from the list.


Engineer of Qandala

@Emily @xabashi


Make Hobyo Great Again
When Poverty and non-existent double digit growth met face-to-Face at a dumpster site called KORA in Ethiopia. As we speak, thousands of people in Addis Ababa survive from the leftover “food” dumped in such dumpsters. People, in fact, used to call them “Dumpster Dieters”. They are either the byproducts or victims of the cooked economic figures. You be the judge!
You probably heard that Ethiopia has been a fast growing economy in the content recording very high growth rate not just in Africa but the world as well.

Yet the new measurement known as the Multidimensional Poverty Index, or MPI, that will replace the Human Poverty index in the United Nations’ annual Human Development Report says that Ethiopia has the second highestpercentage of people who are MPI poor in the world, with only the west African nation of Niger fairing worse.

This comes as more international analysts have also began to question the accuracy of the Meles government’s double digit economic growth claims and similar disputed government statistics referred by institutions like the IMF.
  1. Niger
  2. Ethiopia
  3. Mali
  4. Burkina Faso
  5. Burundi
  6. Somalia
  7. Central African Republic
  8. Liberia
  9. Guinea
  10. Sierra Leone

Ethiopia: Access to clean drinking water in a country that brags itself registering a double digit economic growth for a decade is embarrassingly the lowest in the region


Make Hobyo Great Again
Ethiopia: Double-digit Growth? Quadruple-digit Propaganda!
Behind Ethiopia’s “double-digit growth” crock of statistical horse manure lies nothing but triple-digit nonsense and quadruple-digit propaganda.
Behind the “double-digit” growth crock of statistical horse manure, Ethiopia is nothing but the third poorest country on the planet with 87% of its population are designated as poor, 71% living in severe poverty, and 58% destitute.
I took all of the photographs on this page in 2016 and 2017. They are a handful of hundreds of photographs I took there during my four years in Ethiopia as a professor.

Don’t get me wrong, though. Ethiopia is a beautiful country, with amazing natural beauty and historical and archaeological sites, and so many wonderful people. I will share my photos of some of these on a happier post.

But wherever people live, extensive areas of poverty are evident, especially in rural areas, where over 80% of Ethiopians live. Even in its capital city, Addis Ababa, poverty abounds, but much of it is hidden from sight by tall trees, and fancy hotels and malls, close to where the poor and homeless beg on the streets, hoping for donations from the few who can afford to frequent those hotels and malls.

You will see in the news, and officials of the oppressive Ethiopian government will smile convincingly when they tell you that Ethiopia is thriving with a “double-digit”economic growth.

Yet many experts and scholars will explain to you why this claim to double-digit growth is really triple-digit nonsense and quadruple-digit propaganda.
n Addis Ababa alone, estimates are that as many as 100,000 children, possibly even more, live on the streets. Add to that the homeless adults and families in Addis and elsewhere, and the number is not known, but it is staggering!


yeah I found this a while back:drakelaugh::chrisfreshhah: they were actually tested and had 63 IQ:mjlol: they also never actually did a test on somalia they just took the average between Ethiopia and Kenya which were 63 and 73 respectively :gucciwhat:


Fake news ! Ethiopians are the smartest and most admired Africans. Somalis are the least intelligent people in the world. Don’t drag me into your low iq discussion, @xabashi and I raise this forum’s iq.

Good night, you autistic savages.

