Elon Musk is the future

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Chicago is going to be a tech capital because of him. Elon Musk is a visionary and futuristic businessman.

Hope this technology reaches back home. :banderas:

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Maybe in 2300 when the rest of the world is using flying cars

It's not a flying car. It's an underground tunnel where cars will have their own electric skate and go to any location at a very fast speed.

Plus, electric cars are the future and Elon Musk is desinging the most futuristic and advanced version.

It's not a flying car. It's an underground tunnel where cars will have their own electric skate and go to any location at a very fast speed.

Plus, electric cars are the future and Elon Musk is desinging the most futuristic and advanced version.

I meant that by the time such technology (if ever) reached somalia, everyone else would by miles ahead, hence the flying cars comment
Haha oh the irony lol

You guys are obsessed with the past and believe you will see these stuff back home?

Musk and his white brethren are obsessed with the future

The contras can’t be wider


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Chicago is going to be a tech capital because of him. Elon Musk is a visionary and futuristic businessman.

Hope this technology reaches back home. :banderas:

The problem with Musk is his ideas are CRAP. He has a lot of money but a lot of bad ideas. His Tesla cars are an example. Dumb idea, accidents all over the place. U cant automize automobiles. Its a dumb concept.

His space craft Idea was great. I think he should have focused on 100% on that.

This 16 passenger loop is looney. He is wasting his billion dollars Why not come up with a long term thing like a train, work with the govt, and other private companies. Just because u have 1 billion to spare dont mean u can come up with crazy ideas all over the place uuff


It's all so tiresome
The problem with Musk is his ideas are CRAP. He has a lot of money but a lot of bad ideas. His Tesla cars are an example. Dumb idea, accidents all over the place. U cant automize automobiles. Its a dumb concept.

His space craft Idea was great. I think he should have focused on 100% on that.

This 16 passenger loop is looney. He is wasting his billion dollars Why not come up with a long term thing like a train, work with the govt, and other private companies. Just because u have 1 billion to spare dont mean u can come up with crazy ideas all over the place uuff

Your 20 years experience of lurking on Somali forums must've aided you in thinking of a better idea than the underground electric mass transit tunnel.

Ayeeyo Basra, I wonder if you could enlighten us on how Musk could do better?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Your 20 years experience of lurking on Somali forums must've aided you in thinking of a better idea than the underground electric mass transit tunnel.

Ayeeyo Basra, I wonder if you could enlighten us on how Musk could do better?

My 20 years of living has allowed me to peruse my passion of satisfying my curiosity by reading a lot and writing a lot. That is why my eloquence, and writing abilities speak for itself. Not to mention my wisdom. I would call myself the priestess of wisdom, but that would be boasting. My accomplishments of 20 years in somali forums have afforded me an opportunity to contribute to my Somali brethren in a positive enforcement of daily wisdoms and articulate paragraph constructions, which have proved fruitful as I can attest dozen of Somali kids have been influenced by my writings, I could see how they write in my style. Years from now, a study will be done on me, inshalaah of course, a study on my consistency, my abilities, and my overly phenomenon anomaly which has remained consistent all through these years. I have literally have grown up in trolling in Somali forums. My youth and improvement can be traced from my writings through out the years. A sort of eternal digital dear diary moment. Sue me if u find my pride in it, a bit tacky!

How Musk could do better.

1. Invest money on Space exploration.

2. Invest money on long term train fast transport.

3. Get rid of the tesla car idea. Bad crap idea.

4. Maybe come up with a company to counter attack Amazon.com which is ruling the world now.

I could go on but that would be generous of me :)
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It's all so tiresome
My accomplishments of 20 years in somali forums have afforded me an opportunity to contribute to my Somali brethren in a positive enforcement of daily wisdoms and articulate paragraph constructions, which have proved fruitful as I can attest dozen of Somali kids have been influenced by my writings, I could see how they write in my style.

Your innovative use of sentences will no doubt act as a catalyst for a revolution in paragraphs.

In regards to your other points which unfortunately miss the eloquence of your earlier paragraph:

1. SpaceX is wholly private company. They already investing more than any private commercial space company. I'm not sure how much more ambitious than the planned BFR space vehicle you want them to be.

2. High speed trains isn't the market Musk is going after.

The tech can't really be improved that much and most the costs are related to "rights of ways", regulators and land prices.

Going underground would help them avoid most those costs and work on a tech that has plenty of space for improvements.

There's only so much rail tracks you can place over ground.

Underground, you could place thousands of kilometers of tunnels without getting in the way of day to day life above ground.

3. Your cogent argument has convinced me.

4. Try to go after Amazon would end up costing them billions of dollars. Amazon still isn't profitable for a reason. Any competitors would have to face price dumping and losses for at least a decade.
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