Egyptian pyramids weren't built in the desert, they were built along a now extinct branch of the Nile river

People long speculated how materials were transported great distances across the desert, the answer is a mid-Holocene river. The valley temples served as harbors/docks.


There was also a theory that the sphinx was a bedrock shaped lion-like by wind erosion, with humans later shaping the rest of it:

In that sense, one can reconcile the arguments made by those alternative types that say the sphinx is much older. Yeah, the whole thing was technically much older because it was there naturally. It redeems Graham Hancock's position claiming that the block of stone had clear indications of water erosions that more than double the time of the official dating.

It made sense. When I was in Egypt many years ago, the whole body looked proportionally larger than the head, in terms of the anatomical length of the back. With the new information, it makes sense that natural phenomena inspired human involvement and was the reason it looked off.

