Good stuff to understand this topic. Explains how feminists are tools of the elite.
I'm not sure how anyone can parrot the same line that's being fed in universities, media, film, etc. and still think they're "fighting the power"- when clearly "the power" they're allegedly fighting is the one actually funding them.
See also: Feminism, Jews and Communism
personally I don't really think all that much about feminazis..... but we have militant feminazis on here trying to constantly push that agenda so I think this kind of thing should be here for balance and so that people can hear the reality rather than just be told propaganda parroted by feminists, who are foot soldiers of the New World Order
(like I said, I don't actually think all that much about feminism.... the agenda to break up the family is just one tentacle of the larger New World Order agenda........ YouTube just happened to recommend the video to me, I figure since I had been listening to a few E Michael Jones videos.... his book on the Jews is very interesting and very informative, btw
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