E Michael Jones: Feminists used as Proxy Warriors

Omar del Sur


Good stuff to understand this topic. Explains how feminists are tools of the elite.

I'm not sure how anyone can parrot the same line that's being fed in universities, media, film, etc. and still think they're "fighting the power"- when clearly "the power" they're allegedly fighting is the one actually funding them.

See also: Feminism, Jews and Communism


personally I don't really think all that much about feminazis..... but we have militant feminazis on here trying to constantly push that agenda so I think this kind of thing should be here for balance and so that people can hear the reality rather than just be told propaganda parroted by feminists, who are foot soldiers of the New World Order

(like I said, I don't actually think all that much about feminism.... the agenda to break up the family is just one tentacle of the larger New World Order agenda........ YouTube just happened to recommend the video to me, I figure since I had been listening to a few E Michael Jones videos.... his book on the Jews is very interesting and very informative, btw

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@Omar del Sur

E.Michael Jones is a Catholic anti-Semite, did your Jewish hatred compelled you to be in bed with a Holly Trinity Worshipper? Hitler despised Jews too, will you post passages of Mein Kampf?


What happens in the western gynocentric society does not concern muslims, we are guests in the west and there’s no compulsion in religion when it comes to Islam.
F off queer, we know your support of frankesteins monsters:camby:
think all women should stick together at the end of the day trangender women (who happen to be born as men) and women are all women.

Women power:salute:
i'll ask again, so what your opinion on dillation?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
F off queer, we know your support of frankesteins monsters:camby:

i'll ask again, so what your opinion on dillation?
My opinion is irrelevant I am a muslim who is a guest in the United Kingdom which is a secular country and I am a somali refugee who is a guest on this land I can’t impose my religion islam on others.

but in somalia LGBT is forbidden it’s against islam since somalia is governed by the shariah law


My opinion is irrelevant I am a muslim who is a guest in the United Kingdom which is a secular country and I am a somali refugee who is a guest on this land I can’t impose my religion islam on others.

but in somalia LGBT is forbidden it’s against islam since somalia is governed by the shariah law
negro if think your opinion was wortless ypu would't have replied:camby:
i'll ask you again: are you ok with trans """women""" putting a stick in there artifical vags to prevent it from closing, is this natural to you?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
negro if think your opinion was wortless ypu would't have replied:camby:
i'll ask you again: are you ok with trans """women""" putting a stick in there artifical vags to prevent it from closing, is this natural to you?
Is menstruation natural? It’s a gaping open wound there’s nothing natural about it bahalka

Omar del Sur

I've never really read Mein Kampf.

I searched through a PDF to see what he said as far as race, as I wanted to see if it was true that he was a white supremacist.

He was a racist white nationalist guy who did believe others races are inferior.

Most of the Nazi propaganda I've examined is mostly talking about the Jews, though. As far as I can tell, the original Nazis were more focused on the Jews.

Honestly, I think Hitler was demonic.

The Nazis were working against Christianity and were promoting paganism. Obviously, the Christians are kuffar but an outright pagan is worse than a Christian.

I'm not remotely a Hitlerist.

Do I agree with the claim that Jews control the media? Of course.

Are we being told the truth about the Holocaust? I have no idea and honestly it's not all that important to me either way- in a sense.

I think a lot of people will make appeals to emotions- "the Holocaust!," etc.

If I was going to read Mein Kampf, I think I would want to evaluate things in a cold and logical manner. Whether he really killed six million Jews doesn't really impact the answer to whether or not Jews control the media.

"Omar del Sur" agrees with a Catholic on something or agrees with Hitler on something..... what does that mean? It doesn't mean that the given proposition is invalid. I know the fundamentalist atheists like to stereotype all religious believers as stupid but I took a logic class and I've studied a bit (a bit- I'm not claiming I'm an expert in the subject) in logic. From a logical standpoint

Omar says A
Hitler also said A
therefore A is false

..... I mean.... it's not exactly a strong argument.

Why would anyone use such a weak argument if they had a stronger argument? If you have to use an argument that weak, I don't think you have a good argument. If you were going into battle and you had access to a gun, would you choose a plastic spork as your weapon? When you're charging the enemy with a spork, things must be desperate.

