To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Here is an example how the Kyrgyz Republic (aka Kyrgyzstan) does not allow its citizens who also hold foreign passports to participate in its political affairs. Smaller countries are susceptible to outside influence. The Kyrgyz are very nationalistic people. They take the law little further by outright not recognizing dual citizenship with neighboring countries to prevent meddling by them in its political life. This is something we can learn from this Turkic nation and implement in Somalia. We should just copy it. Their citizenship law fits Somalia perfectly. I like how specific their laws are about the areas where dual citizens are prohibited from.

Kyrgyzstan - Dual Citizenship
Pursuant to the Citizenship Act, the citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic can be obtained on the following grounds: as a result of birth; as a result of acceptance into citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic; as a result of restoration in...

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