Dua. Struggling with my faith

Ill keep it short but have you ever struggles with believing in your dua. For example, if you really wanted something but it seems impossible? Am really losing patience…
Ill keep it short but have you ever struggles with believing in your dua. For example, if you really wanted something but it seems impossible? Am really losing patience…
Just because you pray for something doesn’t mean you will get it and sometimes we want something that may not be good for us, we just don’t know. That’s just life
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Allah swt has a plan for me and I'll shall commit it
Yes al hamdoulillah. Most of the time. If I lose patience (it can happen) I remind myself of the duaas that Allah SWT accepted. It Helps me stay positive.
Allahumma barik laha. Am not perfect and I have a lot of trauma due to my past it hard for me to believe some days and give up praying all together. When you mean most of the times do you wake up for tahajud or just ask.
Allahumma barik laha. Am not perfect and I have a lot of trauma due to my past it hard for me to believe some days and give up praying all together. When you mean most of the times do you wake up for tahajud or just ask.
No one is perfect ! I do both. Tahajud and just ask whenever I want. Don’t lose hope sis! Continue praying and making duaa, have faith that Allah will answer.


Staff Member
Ill keep it short but have you ever struggles with believing in your dua. For example, if you really wanted something but it seems impossible? Am really losing patience…
Do not ask for the impossible, ask for what is possible and see it for yourself, I guarante you will get it. But if you ask for the impossible like take me to mars or planet Venus then do not be surprise if you do not get it. Sometimes we ask for things and then we do not get so it just means it was not meant for us.
Do not ask for the impossible, ask for what is possible and see it for yourself, I guarante you will get it. But if you ask for the impossible like take me to mars or planet Venus then do not be surprise if you do not get it. Sometimes we ask for things and then we do not get so it just means it was not meant for us.
It’s not impossible I think it’s more vain but it impacts my life and give me flash back of my past idk how to explain it but I don’t want to go into to much details since it’s something to close to home. I still get triggers from the thought of experience something like that again. May Allah protect me ameen


Staff Member
It’s not impossible I think it’s more vain but it impacts my life and give me flash back of my past idk how to explain it but I don’t want to go into to much details since it’s something to close to home. I still get triggers from the thought of experience something like that again. May Allah protect me ameen
Amen Ameen Inchallah you will get what you desire but do not give up instead keep up the prayers daily and consecutively.
I think it is key to truly internalize and remember that whatever is the Qadr of Allah swt will happen nothing is in our control, so we make our dua's and know that Allah swt will grant us the best in whatever form and whatever time it'll be. He know best.

It is hard but to try to always remember this. Like Jaydaan said if it seems to be what you are dreading think well of it and hope for the best out of it. Keep making your dua and giving thanks. This will reduce your anxieties.

