Dr Osman Destroys Karim The Islamist


As a Muslim I honestly believe Islam made Somalia worse, it added more volatility towards an already volatile nation divided by qabiil. Let's be honest, Somalis follow what they want from the Deen and leave the rest, diinta bee qalad Ka fahmeen, as a person who just came back from Somalia it's very rare to see people who follow the Deen properly. Unless Somalis learn to love one another regardless of religious and theological belief, and learn they're Somali above anything else, we will never move forward and still be living like this for the next 500 years to come. Just think about it, what has exactly changed in Somalia compared to 200 years ago? Don't let the few reer badiyos wearing suite's because deep down they're the same ignorant people from 200 years ago with a better sense of style.
"As a Muslim I honestly believe Islam made Somalia worse"

If you were an actual Muslim, you wouldn't have said that


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar

I warn everyone that is puntlalnd first, karim is islam first, he cares about islam and muslims not puntites, it's no different to somalinimo folks crying for other somalis while neglecting their own. All these cries are due to langaabism and due to not being able to stand up for yourelf.

We must wage war as puntland first and foremost.

Based on your threads I expected you to sound like an oday who spends all his time at the local maqaaxi but you sound like you live in the outback with a bunch of kangaroos:dwill:


"As a Muslim I honestly believe Islam made Somalia worse"

If you were an actual Muslim, you wouldn't have said that

I respect GM/Mog boys at least u guys don't buy into superstition doctors like they do in Burco and Bosaso. That is progress I guess that u don't believe in some jin, magic, evil eye and then having some quranic doctor fight with it lol. That is quite amazing progress it's because wahabiyah has spread deeply in PL, where-as not as much in GM which is still Sufi. I didn't seem to see these guys have a big gathering in mogadishu either back when I was there.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@DR OSMAN stay in Australia and embrace the religion of Australia Christianity invest in a chain and cross my son I bless you in the name of the son and the Holy Spirit of Jesus ashes to ashes and dust to dust Ina gumeed yaho


A failed thread smh

Yes I got a-lot of qashin I must admit but when was critical thinking ever popular especially around such issues like religion, it is to be expected. But my issue isn't to make them GAAL but they learn their role and not interfere in GAAL life, liberty, freedom, that's it. For that I will stand by till I die no matter what. Even quran said GAAL will be here till the day of judgement, so I guess your god will protect them no matter what u muslims do to try to fight it or censor it or ban it.


@DR OSMAN stay in Australia and embrace the religion of Australia Christianity invest in a chain and cross my son I bless you in the name of the son and the Holy Spirit of Jesus ashes to ashes and dust to dust Ina gumeed yaho

Karim hasn't responded, I assume the worst



Not true, is based native Americans principles.
The guys who made US constitution were secular guy and hate religion,
Like Hamilton, Jefferson, George mason and others .
They studied all religion, but didn’t like one.


Not true, is based native Americans principles.
The guys who made US constitution were secular guy and hate religion,
Like Hamilton, Jefferson, George mason and others .
They studied all religion, but didn’t like one.

They did have a belief in god but didn't want religion playing a role in the government and left it to people to decide for themselves not have it ordered on them nor make it govt role or task that the society be a religion. There is fundamental reasons for this such as protecting people freedom, liberty, and life. I support it 100% when I understood the reasoning behind it cause govt corrupts and if u add religion we know where that will lead too also hence it's separation is paramount to ensure it doesn't get stained.


Also when catholic people came United State early 1800st was told not to take order from the pope. Take order only United State constitution


Religion is Of the biggest problem of the world like
Lack of food

I think religion is a good thing, we did inherit a-lot of our morals from there even tho it can be argued humans always had morals by using hunter/gatherer societies as evidence but one thing that cannot be denied is religion was the spark I think for civilization becuz where-ever u see early civilization u will find religion at the core of it. It's like their connected by the hip for some reason, I cannot figure it out. Plus we see evidence of god belief in hunter/gatherers which means horta humans have always knew something beyond us exists but then crumble down into religions which is where the problems start.

But when it starts to interfere and deny disbelievers the same right as believers is what gets my back up and fuming wallahi plus when it starts to get to the point u neglect your own world for the next world I am also against that type of religious understanding. I mean adigo aduunkani aqoon the chances of u knowing the next life is slim u feel me? some wahabi who doesn't even know the world he lives in yet is an expert in the world to come is when people call 'bullshit' because in normal societies u first prove what u know in this world before u even attempt to describe something beyond it


Religion is Of the biggest problem of the world like
Lack of food

U want to know a secret? Islam always evolved it had it's good periods like andalusia-iraq-syria like learning and it had it's lovey dove period of the Mughals in India. It had it's military period under the ottomans. Right now it's in that power seeking stage where people start to think their all shariah experts and courts and can convict people of being kaffir this and that. No joke they have no understanding of their own faith that is due to 'innovation' strictly not allowed.

The big thing now is 'kaffir' or disbeliever age and the reason for that is the 'explosion' of knowledge in disbeliever world, they feel they cannot catch up and therefore create an Islam that opposes 'innovation' they call it 'bid'ah' meaning u cannot say anything new and always have to refer to the past even if it's science. No joke sxb if u tell them for example a bullet can kill and the religion says a bullet cannot harm, what u said is deemed as innovation since u said something different and new. A religion cannot flourish without innovation as people's understanding should be allowed to grow not become 'ritualistic' which is what wahabism leads too in the end and rituals leads to dark age eventually which is what we see now. Muslims are the last in every field of measurable success. They merely survive on digging up the dirt for minerals and oil or farms to fuel the knowledge age in the west. What a huge fall if u ask me


I think religion is a good thing, we did inherit a-lot of our morals from there even tho it can be argued humans always had morals by using hunter/gatherer societies as evidence but one thing that cannot be denied is religion was the spark I think for civilization becuz where-ever u see early civilization u will find religion at the core of it. It's like their connected by the hip for some reason, I cannot figure it out. Plus we see evidence of god belief in hunter/gatherers which means horta humans have always knew something beyond us exists but then crumble down into religions which is where the problems start.

But when it starts to interfere and deny disbelievers the same right as believers is what gets my back up and fuming wallahi plus when it starts to get to the point u neglect your own world for the next world I am also against that type of religious understanding. I mean adigo aduunkani aqoon the chances of u knowing the next life is slim u feel me? some wahabi who doesn't even know the world he lives in yet is an expert in the world to come is when people call 'bullshit' because in normal societies u first prove what u know in this world before u even attempt to describe something beyond it
Moral is based on trust, we can build trust by being as Humanist.


Moral is based on trust, we can build trust by being as Humanist.

I know the aborigines have a moral code but they also have belief in a god though which they describe differently but it means the same thing as god in their way of understanding, I am not sure how it works inside their system but due to their isolation from the rest of the world, it is a very ancient culture without any impurities of civilizations to see what is natural and what is man made as they are one of the closest groups to original humanity un-touched by civilization due to isolation of the continent. Same with the San Bushmen. It can provide a base to understand how humans are without civilization and pure natural and if god plays a role.


In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Baiame (or Biame, Baayami, Baayama or Byamee) was the creator god and Sky Father in the dreaming of several language groups (e.g. Wonnarua, Kamilaroi, Eora, Darkinjung, and Wiradjuri), of Indigenous Australians of south-east Australia.

So this idea of a creator seems to have been on our minds even in the most isolated continent


Same as Native American here in the USA.

They bow to a rock in mecca lol, christians hold onto a dead body, jews think their special, animist hold onto their ancestors, hindus have a range of gods, buddhist think the answer is in the self. The only one that remotely sounds reasonable is buddhism as it teaches the answer is you and u have to dig deep for it and most people have no clue how to do it, they expect an answer from a god not themselves. I am still studying buddhism personally but its interesting as it doesn't talk about god or any of that because what is the point when u don't even know yourself 100% and keep changing constantly and buddhism teaches about change as a reality and science has proven change is a constant and we see in humans they change in a life time, so this idea u will change into something else follows beautifully into that pattern emerging but the goal is u don't want to change u want to reach a stage where you are 100% fixed forever


@DalsanJubiland study buddhism it was very interesting philosophy but the key idea behind it is nirvana u will know when u reach there because u will not change or flip flop the next day and if u have u haven't reached it, u want to beat the cycle of change such as rebirth and reincarnation which is proven that everything in this universe does evolve or change even after death your body changes and joins other energy sources like the soil, vegetation, ash, dust, etc. There is a-lot of science behind buddhism especially the constant of change which is undeniable and also reincarnation is proven that u do indeed merge with the environment. Where-else is your body but on earth somewhere in some state that u will not know in this life but u may know in the next life when u r in that new state.


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