I watched it. PL is still not mature in the sense of 'market place policies' maybe in 10 years depending on govt performance of course to set up an environment that 'capitalist' can entertain for investment. A-lot of the basic necessities are still missing in abudance for capitalist to consider it serious investment haven;
1. Roads, Airports, Ports(transportation of goods and people) is mandatory or else business activity stops, cost increase daily when no activity is done(salaries being paid, electricity costs, taxes). They need guarantees 24/7 capable economy. PL is barely capable during the day, let alone the night.
2. Basic water, health, electricity, food security of it's local population. Let's be honest thirsty, hungry people priority isn't work and this isn't something an investor can entertain. Even health standard of workers waa 'measurement' in investment. U will prefer someone who works 50 years and lives longer then someone who works 25 years and dies earlier. Not to mention skilled, unskilled locals iyo siday dhaaman kuwa kale calaamka kale. What sort of 'tujaar' your seeking depends on govt also, they are in all industries and depends on your pool of labor iyo meeshay jogto iyo tujaarta lacagtisa laysku geeyo.
3. Electricity reliability. Tan bay ahayd dawladu inay 'xoog' saarto to PL investors and say at least 'tani' naga 'daboola' si aanu ganacsato kale ugu yeerno oo yirahdo meeshu waa diyaar
4. Govt taxation rates transparency, passed as law in parliament. PL hasn't made transparent what mechanism of taxation they will take 'flat' business rate or 'revenue' based percentile. This needs to be made clear as you invite investors so they can calculate their investment niyahow
5. Worker laws. PL has none and can lead to worker abuse, cheap wages, bad conditions, in-fact they can return back into market more 'damaged' and burden to health system(mental health) and still poor while the capitalist pimped them, kept his costs low, when the business world goes into it's cycle of recession(too many companies and no customers) he parks his capital in 'interest' based overseas accounts to ensure his millions or billions are out-stripping inflation(1-3%) while his interest account waa(10% guaranteed interest). He sits there 'chilling' waiting for the next dumb capitalist loving market to pimp, keep costs low, and re-do the cycle when recession happens which it will, it's just a matter of 'when' only.
6. PL has no clear parties based on workers or business and most of the market is about workers and business. Lot's of their parties is based on identity politics not the realities of live of people wanting to work and investors wanting to make money. Weli ma arag hisbi ka hadlo arimahasi oo imadi doono mustaqbalka because the workers will forget tribe iyo beesha marki arimahooda 'maalmeedka' miiska saaran yahay, u will start to see puntites start to shift their tribal attitudes to 'yusan naga fa'idaysan' tujaarta and they will start to form huge groups nation wide, intaysan taa imaan, hada ku roon inaad ka hor martid. It was the same story in industrial age of america, PL waa mari doona wuxu the developed world maray, lakin at least you have knowledge to be prepared when they didn't and 'reacted' to the new development.
I have yet to see PL even do basic assessment of it's industries and sectors such as(Barbers, shop keepers, banks, telecoms, utility companies) an set laws, taxation rates, worker rights/wages. They haven't developed their taxation rate and sector they seek investment, calculated their taxes, how many workers they seek employment for, wages it will require to cover their basic needs district to district isku mid ma aha investment for qardho to garowe ma garatay what u will pay workers is vastly diffeent as house prices are different. U can present your investment to companies world wide then with 'transparency' and working out the expenses for them and they can work out their profits on business segment and u cut deals, bring them in, puntites start working, govt policy to ensure fair wages based on market rates is achieved, and u keep doing this for each sector in your economy, eventually sxb u create NEW ONES like technology, medical, untill sectors become more spread out rather then having the same sector oo 100 ganacsi joggo(waa recession waxasi)
@FBIsomalia I am waiting for your response niyahow. If I had just basic data of PL population, this would be easier to work out. U will need to know 'economic picture' of each district, population, male, female, age segment, skill/unskilled percentage, industries existing, future industries your seeking. Say 70% are un-skilled in each district, male, under 30.
I would invite 'manufacturing' companies working out the 'tax rate' for manufacturers, ensuring reliable energy supply(covered by PL local investors), then I would propose the 'pool' of workers with pictures, origins, skills providable, govt policy on wage based on market standard(housing prices), and worker rights(holiday public, religious), work hours(some are 4 hrs 8-12, then 4-8) all this needs to be presented as 'facts' of your market place due to religious, cultural, or climate reasons.
I would even take a 'small' video sample of the worker population that are ready to work hard. I will then present govt stability in politics, strong judicial system(thieves, moryans, fraud) on investment assets, ease of doing business(no bribe policy). But the most fantastic one is showing them the investment they make 'today' will mean 'healthier, financially stable, and better market place' of the future.
Meaning manta lacagtu geliyo, fa'idada ka soo noqonayso hadu policykeena, taxation ratekeena, our workers wage policy, and cultural/religious liberties are protected by the business this will lead to more opportunities where new 'sectors' will develop and in Puntland principle and values we will provide their company 'priveledge' first access from any new sector to develop. Their will be new sectors once the shacab have money as service industry booms and PL can stop focusing on 'exports' to developed markets, hada suuqasi ayaaba 'developed' noqday.
@Jablibax a-lot of the success of a nation is based on 'vision' ama 'aragti' fog iyo policies la sameeyo, hadi labadasi maqan yihin wax kasto la keeno waa FOWDO. Eventually Puntland way ka guuraysa dhaqaalaha ku suubsan xoolaha-kaluunka-beeraha(basic economy) waxay uu gudbaysa economy(adeegyo sameeyo) for shacab shaqo iyo lacag haysto due to good govt policies and bringing together investors on shared plan on mutual respect of capitalist agenda and respect of local Puntland govt who must protect the worker agenda who will become taxpayers of the future.
Your ali saleman @FBIsomalia you are basically our capitalist class, the problem with capitalist waa horta ma jiro wax mutual respect labada dhinac, we don't want economic slavery in PL, it's not mutually beneficial and only beneficial for one side. It doesn't benefit the govt as no taxes are generated beyond the business tax, it's not beneficial for worker as their situation hasn't changed. Mutual respect of each other positions ayaa loo bahan yahay oo miiska la soo saaro
@FBIsomalia do you see the picture if you had data on Puntland Population. U could segment each population, district, work out wage rates based on house prices, work out skilled population si aad america-europe tagtid oo tirahdo war waa keen skilled labor iyaguna wage policy kale bay galayan as you 'expect' a better return from them then 'basic worker warshad, fishing, livestock, farming' kuwas waxaad oranaysa waa basic sectors loo talo galay dadkina dadka ugu hoseeyo, but since u lack data you can't estimate how big that pool is let alone begin 'segment by segment' district by district' to form your taxation rate, wage rate, cultural/religious/climate condition regulation to work out production per day/month/year to give estimate of 'returns' after you presented your slim 'socialist' policy to ensure everyone in the market place can pay their taxes monthy($200) a month for a person on 1000 a month, this increases depending on what pool of worker he is and his income of course. U generate the housing 'boom' as they start to go to get loans from amal bank, ibs, etc.
Then Ali Salemaan will be rewarded 'construction' sector for all PL towns/cities as these new home owners start to flood in. Then you have service sector as they will start wanting 'luxuries' with their spare money cinemas, pools, massage, beauty salons, different types of clothing stores as they start to specialize not be 'general' anymore. U see how you win with good firm socialist policies at the beginning of your economy to ensure no abuses and you guide your people future on road map to see what they become like in 5 years time. Eventually lakin you will need to 'lessen' it because the lesser it becomes the more your market appeals to the capitalist then strong locked down market but they must realize this won't happen for at least 10-20 years untill PL economic vision is realized for it's population. Wa inaad miska saarta your govt policy or else it's pimp heaven bay ku arkayan. Show investors by following this policy will ensure a developed economy emerges which means more 'customers' for their conglomerates overseas who provide steel, raw material, equipments, ma garatay. Iyaga dan ugu jirta inay suuqani kacdo si ay beri ay customerkooda cusub uu noqoto puntland market place as they dominate the 'large' equipment sector for construction, raw materials, plus their factories now get new stronger base of customers
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