DP World leaves Berbera For Eritrea Assab Port

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Xog: DP World oo bedeshay qorshihii dekeda Berbera – Ethiopia oo caqabad culus ku noqotay SOMAILAND
December 29, 2018

Berbera (Caasimada Online) – Shirkadda Imaaraadka Carabta ee DP World ayaa wax ka beddeshay qorshaheedii dekedda Berbera, waxaana ay hoos u dhigtay muhiimaddii dekeddaas, Caasimada Online ayaa sidaas ogaatay.

Ilo-wareedyo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa Caasimada Online u sheegay in DP World aysan dooneyn inay maal-gelin buuxda ku sameyso dekedda Berbera, sida qorshuhu ahaa.

Sida aan xogta ku helnay, kulan uu guddoomiayah DP World Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayman la yeeshay, madaxweynaha Somaliland Muuse Biixi Cabdi, waxa uu u gudbiyey dhowr arrimood oo walaac uu ka qabo.

Sultan Ahmed ayaa Muuse Biixi u sheegay in DP World ay mar kasta hoggaamiso rabitaanka dowladda Ethiopia, maadaama Ethiopia ay tahay kalyantiga kaliya ee la qorsheeyey in dekedda uu isticmaalo, islamarkaana DP World ay sidoo kale maamuleyso dekedda Assab ee Eritrea. Tani waxa uu macanaheedu yahay haddii Ethiopia ay doorbideyso dekedda Assab, sababo siyaasadeed dartood, waxa ay DP World ku qasban tahay inay xoogga saarto dekedda Assab, taasi oo saameyn ku yeelan doonta horumarintii la qorsheeyey in DP World ay ku sameyso dekedda Berbera.

Markii heshiiska Bebera ay galeen Somaliland iyo DP World, Eritrea waxay ku jirtay go’doon siyaasadeed, waxaana Ethiopia maamulayey Hailemariam Desalegn. Isbeddelkii deg degga ahaa ee dhacay iyo imaatinkii Abiy Ahmed, oo xoogga saaray inuu soo dhoweysto Eritrea, ayaa wax walba beddelay, caqabadna ku noqday Somaliland.

Waxaa durba jira astaamo muujinaya in Ethiopia doorbideyso dekedda Assab. Dhowaan Addis-Ababa waxay ku gacan seertay codsi ka yimid Hargeysa oo ku saabsanaa in la dhiso dhuun gaas ah oo shidaalka kasoo qaadda dhulka Soomaalida ama Killinka Shanaad, marka shidaalka laga soo saaro, lagana dhoofiyo dekedda Berbera.

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Ethiopia ay doorbideyso dekedaha Assaba ama Jabuuti midkood, dhuunta shidaalkana dhinacaas la mariyo.

Dhinaca kale, isaga oo amar ka helaya ra’iisul wasaare Abiy Ahmed, ayaa wasiirka arrimaha dibedda Ethiopia Workeneh Gebeyahu waxaa la sheegay inuu hor-istaagay in wafti ka socda Ethiopia ay ka qeyb galaan xafladdii furitaanka dekedda Berbera ee dhacday 11-kii October 2018.

Xogta Caasimada Online ayaa sidoo kale sheegeysa in tan iyo markii uu yimid xafiiska, uu Abiy Ahmed diiday dhowr codsi oo uu Muuse Biixi doonayey inuu kula kulmo.

Muuse Biixi ayaa la sheegay in wasiirkiisa arrimaha dibedda iyo wakiilka Somaliland ee Imaaraadka labada ka codsaday in la tashtaan Axmed Cusmaan oo ah dhaqaalyahan reer Somaliland ah oo ka shaqeeya Bankiga Adduunka, si loo eego waxa u furan oo ay Somaliland sameyn karto.

Si kastaba, Muuse Biixi ayaanay u furneyn albaabo badan oo uu go’aan ku qaadan karo, maadaama Imaaraadka uu bishii siiyo 4 milyan oo dollar oo miisaaniyaddiisa uu ku kabto, islamarkaana ay 7 milyan ku bixiyeen ololihiisa doorashada.

Xaaladda ayaa la sheegay inay la socoto dowladda Muqdisho, oo ay qosol meel la fadhido.

Caasimada Online
Xafiiska Hargeysa


I told you guys. Berbera was not only fighting Djibouti for Ethiopia, now Eritrea is in the Mix. 3 ports fighting for One corridor between jigjiga and addis ababa. But Central DDSI is open for Garacad, only competitor we have is Hobyo but they stand no chance as all the clans in Central DDSI are Darod and will use a Darod port any-day of the week. So Hobyo is just wasting it's time, there is no big hawiye clans in DDSI besides langaab sheikhaal oo magan alle ku joggo and karanle like wat the f*ck he is even smaller then murusade.


Caasimada website :nahgirl:

It's well known Eritrea is now in the mix, casimada or no casimada. Eritrea is back in the world stage and is active in the horn. Ethiopia will use it's port as a good gesture of peace making, it gains nothing from using Berbera in terms of political points but it will with Assab. Pack up waryaa Berbera is dead. Djibouti is taking the oil/gas line from Ogaden. 3 ports fighting for 300 kilometer worth of business between jigjiga and addis ababa. Abahina wase SNM YAHOW INKAAR IDIN KU DHAC SIDASI ILLAHI WELIGIN HA IDIN KA DHIGO.

If this ain't MJ fake news, then it's a good thing for SLand. No way we're just going to let UAE continue their base in Berbera if they're ripping us off for the port. If the money's not coming in, we have no need for these arabs.


Your superior
That's because we have a backbone unlike you and kicked them out when we noticed they were up to no good
Kkkk they were operating since 2006 and you kicked them out cuz they made a deal with Somaliland. That’s how little jbooty has always been, working against other Somalis (allowing Ariel bombing of Somalia, throwing a tantrum over SL -uae deals, now making money in Somalia claiming to be peacekeepers lol)


Your superior
Good. Now you just need to kick out your foreign bases, or atleast out to just the US. There's way too many foreign soldiers in Djibouti, don't you consider that a security risk?

The problem with reer jbooty is most of them are unproductive like @Kingcobra so they are dependent on these foreign bases. A small nation which had peace and close European relations should be very rich, instead your average jbootian is the same as a Somali from Somalia or Ethiopia
The problem with reer jbooty is most of them are unproductive like @Kingcobra so they are dependent on these foreign bases. A small nation which had peace and close European relations should be very rich, instead your average jbootian is the same as a Somali from Somalia or Ethiopia
And now they put themselves in the position of being held hostage by ajnabi. It's much harder to kick out foreign soldiers than never let them stay in the first place. Now, if a true Issa patriot takes over and tries to free Djibouti, there'll be a western-backed "coup" and an Afar will be placed as president.


The problem with reer jbooty is most of them are unproductive like @Kingcobra so they are dependent on these foreign bases. A small nation which had peace and close European relations should be very rich, instead your average jbootian is the same as a Somali from Somalia or Ethiopia

You wanna talk about unproductive? Foreigners run your port cos ur too low iq to do it yoursleves. Indians pakis senegalese oromo all employed but your youth are dying in the mideteranian sea.

This is how idooors spend their lives..

Reer tahrib is your name from this day forth. Oh and btw, stop raping your own boys and girls yaa qowmu lutt
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