Dont call it Indian Ocean

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
Guys for Fucksake, i hate Indians. Cant stand their looks and smell.

Imagine i swim in the Somali Ocean and someone tells me: wow indian ocean is so beautiful. Imagine such a rude statement! It would destroy my whole vacation.


Don't worry, we have an entire tectonic plate named after Somalis

Somali Plate


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Don't worry, we have an entire tectonic plate named after Somalis

Somali Plate

The Blessed Somali Plate will form a major island in the future. Relieved from the dark cursed continent.

Our prayers has been answered!

Landlocked Ethiopia will finally get her own beach and port:drakelaugh: but that is after millions of years so be patient Habashi Kids reading right now:mjlol:

Merchant of Mogadishu

From Pella to Pattala, then back to Babylon

How do you feel about the island of socotra? Is it somali or arab?

This is an interesting because the population of Socotra are Arab now, but Somalis have certainly inhabited that island before. I think with the mess that's going on in Yemen, Somalia should maybe ask Yemen to lease that island or something, but I doubt it would ever happen.
This is an interesting because the population of Socotra are Arab now, but Somalis have certainly inhabited that island before. I think with the mess that's going on in Yemen, Somalia should maybe ask Yemen to lease that island or something, but I doubt it would ever happen.
They're illegal immigrants so if they want to stay they should pay taxes to somalis
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